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It's meet time! As ever, it's at The Fairmile in Cobham.


Full address for the pub is:

The Fairmile

Portsmouth Road



KT11 1BW

Kicks off from 13:00pm onwards.

As with the last couple of months, before adding your name to the list, please ensure that you read the following:

Meet rules:

1. No idiotic driving on the roads surrounding the Fairmile

2. No damaging the Fairmile grass

3. No leaving litter/cans/pint glasses on the Fairmile grass

4. Do not partake in any other idiotic behaviour that gives Surrey Scoobies a bad name

By putting your name in this thread you accept the above.

In addition we ask that only Japanese cars park on the grass please. Members are more than welcome to come down in non-Jap cars (or bring friends) but please, Japanese only parked on the grass (there is a second car park to the rear of the Fairmile if you don't want to park in the main area).

Cheers folks! :thumb:

1. Scooby Pete (hopefully there won't be torrential rain putting everyone off like last month










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Here's some pics from the meet.

Not a bad turn out for the time of year, 15 cars by the time I left.

Here's the pics I took, not the best though it was the wrong type of sunlight :(

God I sound like South West Trains.






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Spot and very nice turn out I will get Steve to put next one on facebook again try get some more turning up :D 

And at least it didn't rain this time ;) 


I like how Pete lay's his post's out.  Ash think you will need to follow suit but Pete is a professional ;) 


I like how Pete lay's his post's out. Ash think you will need to follow suit but Pete is a professional ;)

That's the magic of Cut N Paste.

Lifted direct from surrey Scoobies thread. I'm to lazy to write all that!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Scooby Pete, is your monthly meet on next week?

Jonny b are you still up for going? And what about the silent assassin? If it's on


Yeh Iam up for ιt sure the silent assassin will be to! Though we won't be able to call him that for long lol


What brand has he gone for? I was looking on scooby world for a new one mines not loud enough! But don't know which one to get, is yours a vortex one?

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Mines a vortex bud! Don't know what he's gone for ain't spoke to him really he's at Bedford Iam at home with tonsillitis gggrrrr


Yours sounds just right, not understated but not to loud ;)

Oh S#*t how long you been suffering with that?

Bedford? On a track day or visiting ?

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I would think so, it's not normally posted up until the week before. As soon as it is I post it on here.

Ok cheers looks like three cars from Wycombe will be attending then ;)

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Cheers fella would prefer ιt a little louder tbh!

Felt a bit dodgy yesterday! But woke up this morning throat has all but closed up! Can't swallow nothing!! Feel lιke !Removed!! Think I may be able to manage a couple o cold ones later!! Purely for the cold soothing effect lol

He's gone for a trackday but left his scooby at home!!! Ιs spectating lol

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I'm shocked you haven't already I would have thought being one of your mates would have fitted right in here :)

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