RADICALATTACK Posted March 31, 2014 Posted March 31, 2014 Hiya lads, Just a question my Impreza currently has the WRX spoiler on it and I'm looking to swap for the high level STi one! Would I need to drill new holes or will it just bolt in the existing ones? Also been searching the internet for prices etc found a few cheap ones but the quality looks urrrrrrrr, questionable? haha Any advice on where to buy them ? Obviously I want the best mix of quality and price? Any advice greatly received!Thanks, Kris.
Gambit Posted March 31, 2014 Posted March 31, 2014 No should be a straight swap mate. The one on the Blobeye was about £290 with postage I got from Fleebay though so don't come cheap.
RADICALATTACK Posted March 31, 2014 Author Posted March 31, 2014 Phew, that's a relief to hear! Wasn't keen on the idea of taking a drill to my car... =/ haha! I'll have a check around on eBay now, I didn't even think of looking on there! Thanks mate
Gambit Posted March 31, 2014 Posted March 31, 2014 No problem :) Hope you find one soon as you can tell I didn't like the WRX spoiler either :)
RADICALATTACK Posted March 31, 2014 Author Posted March 31, 2014 I'm searching the internet high and low as we speak! Yeah, I ain't keen on them either tbh! Hopefully will find one soon, then just get get it sprayed and bolt it on!Thanks for the help mate, I'll make sure to put a picture up once I've got it sprayed and on it! :)
tom_gr7 Posted March 31, 2014 Posted March 31, 2014 if you have no luck on eBay, try SG petch. http://subaru.sgpetch.co.uk/pages/accessories I found the site last night, whilst looking for a new grill. Although, I think SG Petch is a main stealer so it may be pricey.
RADICALATTACK Posted March 31, 2014 Author Posted March 31, 2014 Thanks mate, will check that out too! I don't mind paying top notch if it's good quality! Just worried about paying top dollar and getting a cardboard one colored in with crayons... hahaThe internet is a dodgey place some times :L Thank you!
BoozyDave Posted March 31, 2014 Posted March 31, 2014 I've fitted one on my WRX, it's held on with about 6 bolt's (like the std spoiler) but the sti spoiler is usually held on by about 20 bolts and clips :o why not look for an sti boot with spoiler fitted? I bought mine from scoobynet for £200, I wanted a black one and it was cheaper cos black isn't very common, blue ones are usually about £300 also, don't forget to get the stronger boot springs too
RADICALATTACK Posted March 31, 2014 Author Posted March 31, 2014 Would it be more difficult to fit the whole new boot lid than just the spoiler? I'm new to all things mod so looking to start slow! haha! Mines like, gunmetal? so will probably need to pay for a respray on w.e I buy to do it! Boot springs? Does it make that much difference to the weight of it then ? (I assume that's what you meant by the springs ? >.<, as I've said noob so I'll probably have lots of frustrating questions lol)
BoozyDave Posted April 1, 2014 Posted April 1, 2014 There are about 6 holes that line up. But there aren't any fixings across the middle. If you look in the boot, under the parcel shelf, you will see 2 thin bars that run side to side. If you don't change them the boot won't hold itself up and will keep falling down.
Gambit Posted April 1, 2014 Posted April 1, 2014 I would check your boot 1st like Dave said mine already had the the boot lid but had the WRX spoiler. I know my spoiler isn't a genuine STI because the light position is in the top part of the spoiler not in the bottom part, but hasn't bothered me and I don't think you can tell really. looking at the guy who comes here with his STI.
RADICALATTACK Posted April 1, 2014 Author Posted April 1, 2014 Oh i think I know what you mean, I didn't know that was for the boot though! Cheers lads! Any idea where I can get better boot springs from and the cost roughly? Yeah, I don't mind it not being genuine if it looks good! Genuine ones were like 700 odd quid, I like them, but I don't like them that much... haha!
Gambit Posted April 1, 2014 Posted April 1, 2014 I didn't change mine again I did think about it but it worked fine once I fitted it, so never thought anymore of it after that :)
RADICALATTACK Posted April 1, 2014 Author Posted April 1, 2014 You didn't change the springs? So it wont make my boot collapse or something if I don't? Suppose it's all trail and error but a damn expensive mistake to make so just want to make sure before I go ahead and have a crack at it :) Thanks for the help though lads, appreciating the responses :)
BoozyDave Posted April 1, 2014 Posted April 1, 2014 I got the bars with the spoiler, I was cheeky and he threw them in for free. I fitted both And it was too strong, so I've got one wrx one and one sti one fitted, it works fine. The sti bar is thicker and the ends are a more aggressive angle.
RADICALATTACK Posted April 1, 2014 Author Posted April 1, 2014 Ahh right, I'll have to try be cheeky n'all then! If that fails do you know where you can get them? And roughly how much ? I've been looking for an STi boot lid now aswell but to no avail atm plenty of time though I'm in no rush to change it as I want to make sure it's done properly haha! I've still yet to look in my boot and look at these supports been busy (ish) with work haha! Will have a look later on this afternoon and if its okay I'll chuck a few pictures in this thread and hopefully will understand a bit more then >.< 1
Weeno3 Posted April 1, 2014 Posted April 1, 2014 Hey lads. As already pointed out, the wrx spoiler is held with about 6 bolts and the sti is a whole lot more. I previously purchased a sti bootlid following accident damage to my wrx and it was covered in holes where the spoiler had been fitted. Far more than needed for the wrx spoiler. If you dont want the hassle of drilling the bootlid or swapping the bootlid, check these guys out. As it's plastic, it only weighs 5kg, so may not need to touch boot springs? I'll be getting one when finances allow for my blobeye. http://www.creativeauto.co.uk/epages/es144173.sf/en_GB/?ObjectPath=/Shops/es144173/Products/CA10070
Gambit Posted April 2, 2014 Posted April 2, 2014 Wow there is a lot. Next time the blokes here in his Hawkeye STI I'm going to have a look at his. Well what I would suggest if you are getting just a spoiler of fleebay ask them to count the holes, as you might not need to mess about with the bootlid too much the one I got just used the WRX holes. But a genuine STI as pointed out does have more holes :) Another new thing learned :D
RADICALATTACK Posted April 2, 2014 Author Posted April 2, 2014 That is a lot of holes, I thought there'd be like 4 more or something! Definitely not up for drilling now, I'll check out that link but I've also found one on Scoobyworld's website, which says fits original WRX holes but then puts "may" need additional fixings! ? The links; http://www.scoobyworld.co.uk/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=40_187_406&products_id=559 If you want to check it out.Still not sure about where to go with this, but one things certain there's a massive wing going on the back of my car at some point haha!
Gambit Posted April 3, 2014 Posted April 3, 2014 that look's exactly the same as I have I think they say that to cover their own back or some sealant to cover the holes I know I used some silicone just incase to stop and water if it manages to get under.
RADICALATTACK Posted April 3, 2014 Author Posted April 3, 2014 I am edging towards that one I have to be honest, rather pay a bit more and get better quality than have it fly off and get buried in someone else's car... :L
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