BoozyDave Posted April 26, 2014 Posted April 26, 2014 That's a massive step forward, at least your insurance company are on your side. Great news and really happy for you
4758nigel Posted April 27, 2014 Posted April 27, 2014 fantastic news mate glad there's finally looking to be an end to this nightmare situation.
Pommy Posted April 27, 2014 Posted April 27, 2014 Been watching this with interest since the beginning and glad to see its sorting itself out nicely and you have got some people on your side. My knowledge of insurance law is limited but I believe they have to pay to put you back in the same circumstances you were in before when it's not your fault. So seems to be a good ending at the moment. Keep us updated.
mysubaru5 Posted May 1, 2014 Author Posted May 1, 2014 Well folks, a sad new turn to my scooby insurance saga; bloke who is Manager at TechReport (assessor company) rang to say in his view my car is still only worth £190; he does says 'loads of Subaru Legacy saloons were made' and he puts no value on it being an 'unusual vehicle'. He is boss to the young lad (Sian), who rang me 24.4.14 to be so positive, talkin about 'at least £2,200 for a car in not as good a nick as yours" etc etc. His view has been totally ditched, and his boss has taken over the case; If I'd av seen im face2face, I'd av thumped him. The bar-steward was so arrogant and patronising, it wasn't a good phone call, he kept on sayin "rarity doesn't come into it". I sed "forget rarity, no-fault claim shd never end like this. I gave im a bad tym tho, made im struggle with any reasonin, but his decision is 'final'. Well it won't be, cos I won't accept any of the trash they thro at me! Jonny, is your BinLaw available for a chat about this unbeleeevably sorry saga - wot wd any of you do?? I've written to the broker, leaving em in NO doubt about my anger at all that's happened - disgusting, nothing less than that!!!! Worried sik, mysubaru5 Mysubaru5
Jonny b Posted May 2, 2014 Posted May 2, 2014 Ιs this your company or the other parties?? Your company should be fighting your corner!! Have they admitted liability? Stick to your guns bud! Insist you want your car fixed!! Ιts not your fault! I will speak to my bro today for you! End of the day you want to be put back in the position you was before the accident regardless of cost!!! Ιts not your fault!!!
mysubaru5 Posted May 2, 2014 Author Posted May 2, 2014 Good to hear from u Jonny, My broker (Swinton) sent claim to Quindell, middle agent dealin with 'no-fault' clms, sortin courtesy car out and assessor from TechReport. this idiot ringin yest is from TechReport, Broker deals on behalf of my insurance co Covea - they're all recokin they depend on final assessor opinion, which is crap :0( I'd realli apprec solid advice on this nytmare :0( Cheers, mysubaru5
Gambit Posted May 2, 2014 Posted May 2, 2014 I'm pretty sure it was Swinton who my mother was with when she got a letter saying she was in a crash in Oxford got all the badly drawn pictures of the crash and that it was a red mazda 6 with her Reg. She was 170 miles north at work. But they was wanting to pay the other party out wasn't even trying to ask if she has crashed went on for over a year my mother having to argue with her own insurance policy saying she doesn't hold responsibility as she wasn't even there. Her renewal came through whilst it was being investigated over this long period of time and they had even took her no claims off her for it I will have to double check it was Swinton I know it was her work that managed to save it in the end with her timing card showing it was impossible to have driven down there in the time of clocking on at working and visiting patients houses. They even wanted to know the times of travel from each house. But all I can say is don't expect the nightmare to get rushed if they don't want it to, but hopefully you will get it sorted sooner than later.
Jonny b Posted May 2, 2014 Posted May 2, 2014 Got any pics of the damage?? They are mugging you off mate! Do not accept settlement! Your insurance company are ****!
mysubaru5 Posted May 3, 2014 Author Posted May 3, 2014 Cheers for the bak-up, it helpS when things are so crap!! Basically, all the companies involved in this sorry mess are trying to shaft me: Swinton (broker) now rekon they 'made a mistake' when they put £10,000 on the policy - yeah ryt, they made a mistake twice then, as that valuation was on the 2013 and 2014 policies! F Ombudsman won't believe em hopefully - I sent them pages of telephone calls back/forth Covea (insurance Co) have said it's Swinton's responsibility, as there 'seems to have been an administrative error, so F Ombudsman has gone to Swinton to go in great detail into how they sold me the policy in the first place, using wot guidelines etc etc. Quindell - contracted in by Swinton when it's a no-fault claim to sort courtesy car and assessor out - that's a joke :0( TechReport, assessor Co, who've messed about terribly - 1 offer of £295, then 3 days later reduced it to £190 cos they'd just seen a bit of rust on the opposite back wheel arch!!!!! Then got a call 24.4.14 from a new lad Sian at TechReport to say they were re-looking at it, and accepted it was a rare car, as they'd eventually spoken with Adrian at Subaru UK, Birmingham, who confirmed it was a 'very rare car indeed'. He'd searched for days and eventually found one similar Legacy at £2,200, but said the spec was nowhere near as good as mine, so he was escalatin it all to his manager to get a final decision on how to put a fair market price on my scooby. Two days ago, the manager rang me to say he'd taken the offer back to £190, as "it's an old Legacy with high mileage, and he cudn't justify anything higher". It was a long conversation, I gave im a hard time, but he still wouldn't budge. I asked how his Co cd take notice of Subaru UK one day, then totally dismiss it a week later - he wudn't comment :0) The only pic I have is attached - my scooby was taken away next day, so I didn't get chance to take daylyt pics, but I didn't think it mattered, as I expected a straight4wd claim, being completely no-fault. I had a neighbour shoppin, and she'd just got into my scooby parked in an invalid bay when the egit in the next bay did a 20 point turn (so's not to reverse out) then hit my driver-side wing, knockin petrol pipe to boot, as the driver prob wasn't able to reverse - aged abt 75??? At least I'm lucky there's CCTV footage of it which they're keepin thankfully, and will help if I go to small-claims court etc etc?? Can't see how to attach a photo ????? mysubaru5
BoozyDave Posted May 3, 2014 Posted May 3, 2014 What a joke [emoji35] What's the point of an agreed value then? Hopefully the ombudsman will see that they are trying to shaft you. Stick to your guns and don't accept anything less Its like them saying a 2.0 Sierra hatchback is the same as an RS500, they are different models, had different quantities built and command higher premiums due to rarity and more sought after.
Pommy Posted May 3, 2014 Posted May 3, 2014 Well this has taken a turn again, however assuming that you have your policy documents which state the agreed value of your car they have to stick to it, even if it was a mistake on their part they have agreed to a contract and you have kept up with your payments on this contract and the other parts of the contract. As for dealing with the other companies it is not your issue, you signed a contract with your insurer then they are the people you have to deal with, you have not made an agreement with any other company (unless of course you have.) I would phone the insurance company, inform them that they have made a contract which they have to uphold, and if they don't then they will be hearing from your solicitor. Give them reasonable time to respond and then go and see a solicitor. They don't have a leg to stand on if you have told us everything. And what is the point of insurance when they make it so pointless, anytime you claim they try not to pay anything out, they then push up your renewal even if you claimed as no fault of your own, the majority of accidents are never even claimed, even if above the excess amount because of the increase in renewal. It's meant to be there to protect you and help you and hence why we pay so much for it, yet we all try and avoid using it even when we should because of situations like this. Rant over. As for the pictures you cannot attach them in 'quick reply' you have to click the more reply options right next to the post button and then it should be fairly straightforward. Or you can use a hosting site like photobucket and do it that way. Hope this was of some help mate. 1
mysubaru5 Posted May 3, 2014 Author Posted May 3, 2014 The bloke from the brokers asked me "what is your car worth", so I said "it's been covered for 4K with you for 5 yrs. It's just had 4.5K spent on 4 new doors and 2 front wings and total re-spray, plus Subaru UK, Birmingham recently told me how rare my vehicle is, so I wish to put a value on it of 10K; he then said it was a market value policy, and then went on to quote etc and the policy was agreed. I now know that was not an 'agreed price' policy, which I thought it was. I still argue that you have to find same model on the market to even start to compare (which is wot Sian from assessors lot said 7 days ago!!!), but his egit manager then downloaded it all back to sq 1 :0( I'm not acceptin a penny from the thieves, my prized scooby stays in bodyshop locked away, havin a well-earned rest :0) I'm hopin your BinL may help Jonny, and I've been given the name of a bloke who was an ins assessor a few yrs bak, who myt have some ideas how to skip the smallprint stuff??? I'll keep you posted :0) Ere's a pic of my scooby, with egit's vehicle just pulled away from the smash - they tried to drive away, as they hadn't seen me standin the other side of my scooby. I ran round and thudded on their back window, then got the camera out. It was 1845hrs & dark, so damage doesn't show but whole wing needed as it hit centre point nr petrol cap and pipe; I won't av it knocked out in any case, as it's an original wing 20yrs old & wudn't take it. mysubaru5
Gambit Posted May 3, 2014 Posted May 3, 2014 I agree with you they have to find a car to price it too on the market 1st before they can even try to lower it.
Pommy Posted May 3, 2014 Posted May 3, 2014 Ahh well they are perfectly within their rights to find a similar model to compare it to. And that's all they have to do. What model is down on the policy exactly? If it is down as just a standard legacy then they only have to value it against that, if it has the full details then I assume they have to value it against that.
mysubaru5 Posted May 3, 2014 Author Posted May 3, 2014 policy says Subaru Legacy 2L turbo The brokers knew I wanted to cover it for 10K tho, cos it is a rare car - they had plenty of info offered to know what I meant. When they repeated the 10K detail when workin out the premiums, I assumed they used the info given! My argument against the broker Swinton is they shd av warned me the likely book price issue in event of any claim, as maj. of us ordinary folk don't know the in's and out's of it - why I got a broker to guide me in the 1st place! F Ombudsmn said that question shd never be asked "what do you value your vehicle at" without offerin simple guidance on wot wd actually happen in a claim, They're chasin that angle, which I think is the best angle to go at. It's a mis-sell of ins which the FO will sort out hopefully sooooon!!! mysubaru5
Gambit Posted May 3, 2014 Posted May 3, 2014 I understand what you are saying and agree with you. But if there saying it's only priced at market value on the contract unfortunately thats there get out of the 10k. But they do have to find one of similar spec as your's for sale to prove thats the worth of the car so if it's that hard to find one they have a lot of work to do :) So might end up just thinking it's cheaper to save manpower and pay out anyway. But as I said before and others they will try and keep trying to pay less now they have their minds set.
mysubaru5 Posted May 3, 2014 Author Posted May 3, 2014 That's wot most folks say, they really don't like it when there's a drawn-out argument goin on - tym is ££££££ :0) I may as well hang out to here wot the FO say!!
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