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I think its Budweg and I believe they are to brakes as remoulds are to tyres they 'remanufacture' calipers so effectively a refurbished unit with new seals etc


Not used them myself but if it is a used set of calipers they may need a service anyway dependant on condition



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Thanks but thay are being sold from brake international on ebay as brand new callipers not recon with new sports discs pin kit pads and uprated houses all for 309.oo quid


Thats a good price all in particularly if your brakes are shot / seized and discs worn, it would get you back on the road.


my 2p I would think about the type / style of driving you do - if you give it stacks on a regular basis and dont need it addressing immediately I would take a slower upgrade route - start with braided hoses then do discs and pads then do calipers improving the existing - but l do love winding it on and always like to know the brakes and tyres are going to scrub it off sharpish

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