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hi boys and girls :) i bought Subaru Legacy 2001 2.0l engine,i want upgrade that engine to get mo power :) any sugestions for that what parts have to be changed? if you have a links its will be very good :) thanks to everyone who gona help me :) sorry for mistakes  :ph34r:


Wotcha and welcome - it depends on your budget but start with air in exhaust out - hi flow filter, larger induction tube and a free flow larger diameter exhaust, manifold and down pipe with an ECU remap.


A different way is to source a turbo version of the legacy and do a transplant.


Be aware of more power means your brakes and suspension will be tested more so make sure they are up to the task of keeping you on the road and out of someone elses boot ;)

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I understanding whit mo power more responsible came for driving,but. I don't whant much. About 50-100 horse more that's will be enough,no i like that subaru,don't want give-up. Just a bit more power and i gona be happy


I think you would be spending quite a bit to get an extra 100BHP out of the 2.0l engine. 


what I originally stated still stands - Scooby world lists exhausts that will fit for your model so speak to them for that, they may also be able to help you with an induction kit




The chaps at RA are closer to you and will be able to help with engine work - stroker kits to increase capacity, gaskets to change compression, injectors and fuel pumps plus setup advice - they work with Cobra exhaust so may be able to help in that department as well but I don't know how much of the ancillaries are transferable between Impreza and Legacy models




If you genuinely want another 100bhp go for a turbo model as it will have that as standard plus the suspension and brakes etc to cope


If i straight will be Subaru with turbo my incurance gona go sky high.now is 189£ a month,i will choose slowly do this model and when price goes down a bit than will by with turbo,and that one will sty to wife thanks for info


That's a good approach but you need to be aware of what is going to be a realistic power increase for the money you spend ;)


Thats very true, what you could start with is a good service including an engine flush get all the crud out then possibly look at saving weight then look at handling, stiffening up the chassis, that way the power to weight ratio is changed for the better you save fuel as it is a lighter vehicle and it will go and stop a lot better.


look at changing the transmission and diff oil and put a friction reducing additive in there as well all to help the standard car run better.


A decat maybe some engine mods and a remap I think at best you might be able to get 50 to maybe 60BHP but will cost. think Jay gave the best choice with starting with weight. and strut braces. And like he said with getting its all cleaned out fresh oils sparkplugs go for some Laser iridium plugs might help give you a better spark :)


Thanks guys whith advice i will try that on a first,but gona start looking probably with turbo :):):):) if any more advice please share ;)


As said before best way is with the turbo. But you will need the hole thing engine, turbo, loom. to swap so again keep that in mind. And please feel free to ask if we can help we will. :D

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  • 3 months later...

hi boys and girls :) i bought Subaru Legacy 2001 2.0l engine,i want upgrade that engine to get mo power :) any sugestions for that what parts have to be changed? if you have a links its will be very good :) thanks to everyone who gona help me :) sorry for mistakes  :ph34r:

If you have the engine out of the car and don't mind time then you can make it make a little more power but it's not usually worth it on N/A units, turbo is the way forward.


some simple suggestions are to port match the whole motor and polish the intake (inside) etc etc its been done to death, I have only tried all this stuff once and I put hundreds of hours into a 3SGTE which is turbo powered and I am not sure it made any difference...

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