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Everything posted by Daryl

  1. Magic 👌 any particular plugs recommended?
  2. Oright gents back again, thinking about getting some spark plugs ordered for the weekend, any pointers would be much appreciated👍.
  3. Cheers mate I'll give that a go.. for sucha well engineered motor youd think a dip stick would be absolutely bob on lol. One more thing Haha got 2 keys with this car guy said the used one needed a battery only works close to the car an you have to press it a million times so annoying so I thought right I'll swap batteries... no difference, so put a battery in the other brand new key not working at all, will it need marrying up?
  4. Not even an trailing up the sides, engines stone cold. This is what it was like after I did it hard to read
  5. How am I getting this weird reading off the dip stick?
  6. Only charged 40 quid aswell
  7. Car went in to get the front 02 sensor done today at sw motorsport , top bloke steve really knows his stuff plenty of time for ya ,gave the motor a proper look over reckons it's been well looked after👍
  8. Cheers for pointing me in that direction mate much appreciated
  9. Ah well I dont really want to go replacing calipers if I dont need too I just need something half decent thatll work well an last a good bit, hes getting me a quote for front discs pads an hoses tommorow👍
  10. Rear pads should I meant
  11. Ok so I've not ordered yet just gonna go with oem size, just ordered front set of brembo pads from gsf, 72 down to 28👍 gonna get the rest tommorow from Asperformance spoke to the guy earlier top bloke plenty of time for ya.
  12. Will my calipers fit any size disc I get?
  13. Cheers jay I'll grab 3 then👍. Spoke to the guy you recommended savage at a performance hes sorted me out with some decent kit 👍
  14. The bendix stuff wasnt much cheaper than the godspeed stuff 60% off aswell I just want something that's gonna last an work not gonna be entering an races or anything
  15. Found 5.1 on opie oils only 500ml though
  16. Goodridge lines?
  17. All theyve got rear disc wise is gsf premium or vetech, but to be honest the rears on the motor look spot on, its the front that look like they need changed
  18. I'll see if I can get a bendix set then mate, theirs a few different sizes of discs will I hafto change calipers if I change oem size?
  19. Just had a look on their site 250 quids worth of discs an pads for 90. Not sure about brands drivetec , vetech, gsf premium brand, bendix. Thoughts? Just seems to good a deal to turn down
  20. Cheers for the tips lads much appreciated, I've got a mate coming to visit from Cumbria in the next month, gonna wait for him as hes had track cars for years an knows a bit, theirs a sale on at gsf car parts upto 60% off so might just get it all ordered now👍. May aswell go on with the brake lines while I've got the help, easy enough?
  21. Got it done today gents bolts were tight as had use a cheater pipe an plenty lube got their in the end, next jobs stripping down the breaks not done it before but should be ok with the manual, any pointers would be welcome😁
  22. I got an owners manual recently, had quick scan through , the book says it covers alot of different models, I presume theirs some kind of key for your.model although I couldnt see one
  23. Spot on cheers guys an one bottles enough think its 1L is it?
  24. Spanked one of those scirocco r lines a couple of days ago feckin fuel though eh not worth it🤣gonna get the rear diff done this weekend, got the syringe tool an some decent motul fluid, just watched a vid of someone doing it, do you have to use the treatment additive?
  25. Good stuff mate hope yous enjoyed it, I was in the garage listening to music having a few with the dog. Yeah maybe it's the wagon x factor the saloons just dont have mate🤣, definately turn heads dont they, my boy hes 5 hes obsessed one my friends got him a blobeye remote control one quite a.decent one aswell for Christmas absolutely made up with it. 👍
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