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Everything posted by Ttdom

  1. Ttdom


    Mot day has arrived, tomorrow I discover if I keep my baby subaru or if it's to the junk yard, the owner before me neglected it I've had it for nearly 2 years now and cant find the time/money to put into it so, could be scrap yard or cheap car if it passes mot 😪
  2. Sorry my bad didn't see date, how do I delete my comments ?
  3. To put it into perspective for you, my wifes seat arosa 1.4 automatic cost 150 quid for cambelt and water water pump. My subaru r sport wagon gona cost me about 400 quid for belt and pump, that being said I have more car and more fun, maintain it well and the 3/6 month cost isn't to extreme. If you use aftermarket parts the cost is a lot less, but cant always predict quality, since your not gona do many miles a year running cost should be fairly low. Your getting what you pay for, nice car reliable and fun, much better than a 1.4 automatic lol
  4. rust so I've got the rust demon infecting my rear arches have any of you fixed this yourselves or has someone do it? Looking for a rough price. Also how much roughly for cambelt and water pump change, mot and of the month and looking at cost to get her good again.
  5. Ttdom

    Anyone here

    Any of you guys from south east kent, see a few scoobys in my town but always going past them, just wondering
  6. You guys still do this kind of thing, never been to a proper meet lol
  7. Is it like a lag in response from accelerator and the revs going up?, I had a similar problem on my r sport, cleaned the maf sensor and it's been fine since, I would accelerate and the rev counter would almost stutter at 2/3k revs then take off, let us know how u fix this. Let's see a pic of your wagon bud
  8. I think my problem is she looks like shes more than what she really is lol
  9. Nice wagon, I've got the same
  10. Nice wagon, I've got the same
  11. Maf sensor? I had similar problem just cleaned it and not had problem since
  12. My cars faster!!!!! anyone get really annoyed when some doughnut is constantly trying to tell you ther nanas aunts uncles cousins car is faster than yours? I have a subaru impreza r sport wagon, not massively fast but quick enough for a 2 tonne car lol but all I get from people is " I bet my friends bmw is faster", " my Audi is quicker than your car". I'm 30 bit to old for all that crap, I like my car I have wanted one for years and I have one and I'm happy with it, to be fair they wouldn't even know who mr mcrae was lol. Rant over thanks for listening, on a plus note some guy at work has a 1998 1ltr corsa and was trying to tell me his was quicker than mine, I left him by the time I hid 3rd gear.
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