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Everything posted by andyvic82

  1. Cool by me Adam what time u coming round mate, il try to get an early finish so i get some sleep.
  2. So has anyone got a scooby blue Outback wagon?
  3. Yer me too. Il look for an app when i get down to dartford tunnel to do my delivery. Hows the Sketch up Gem
  4. Dont know this might be mad, but how about screen scooby yellow on the plastics.
  5. Adam hope ur ready for sunday, im going to pick ur brain. Im ready to learn. I want to know my 2 girls inside and out mate.
  6. Right so do i go scooby blue all over color coded, or scooby blue and another color on the plastics..
  7. Yep 16s on the Outback, and dont worry only want put parts on that work, iv got 2 kids. The 15s on the Classic do need some refurb.
  8. Ok keep the Classic standard, the Wife will like u Adam. What about the outback, my thoughts r ... better breaks, suspension, new paint ( scooby blue ) and a few little engine tweeks.
  9. Lol i do want to marry Em, but it costs money, and iv just spent it on 2 legacys... OOPS!!!
  10. Haha yer Adam just need to get the classic running right. Adam wanted to ask where the hell do i get my mods for them? All i can find is impreza impreza
  11. Yer Jay seen the link for ebay worked out 100 all in. Not married Gambit, just call Em the WIFE dUe to being together 6 years, ( feels like 16 ).
  12. as asked for pics of my new legacy 2.5 Outback. she is not very pretty. And my porlly legacy classic.
  13. No no no that was a bad 1 Adam, but il let it slid Outback!! :P
  14. Iv have 3 auto's and well i just enjoy driving manuals more, the gear i want when i want it, simpals. P.s the Outback is car number 21 iv owned, only 1 crash.
  15. U dont need to tell me its rare, but she really really wants Jamaica Yellow, im sure House of Colours should have some or be able to mix some up.Edit... Gambit forgot Adams white auto was a saloon, needed estate anyway.
  16. C and the wife thinks im mad.
  17. Hahaha good im so glad. B-)
  18. Id of loved too, but had to buy Outback on finance, and i dont like driving autos. No affence.
  19. I forgot to take one befor i went to work :P I will post 1 tomorrow promise, Oh and I Am keeping them both, the WIFE wants the classic (when she passes her test), Anyone know where i can get the classic a respray, the wife want the classic in Jamaica Yellow.
  20. Is buying 2 legacys in less than 3 weeks clased as a waist of money ???
  21. Hi all iv some new news on my new life as a Subaru owner, As my legacy classic is off the road at the mo, and really need a car for work Iv only gone and bought another legacy. This one is the 2.5 Outback. Took me 15yrs from passing my driving test to get a Subaru and in less then 3 weeks if now got 2. What a greedy git i am.
  22. Here here well said.
  23. Good good thats what i like to hear Adam. Plus i know now what u look like when u pop round sunday.
  24. Hi all really feel for ur friend Adam. As Adam knows and a few others my legacy GL is off the road after 11 days of owning her with a mysterious engine problems. Gambit, Miggs, Tlag, Adam and others have been amazing trying to help me out. After seeing this vid seeing the guys jumping in to help Adams friend, I have great hopes me the wife and ur kids will be out cruising with u all soon. I know iv joined a great club with great friends.
  25. Hi lads my mate has a 3 yr old standard Turbo impreza, we took off that silly little weak **** spoiler and we put on a Limited Edition rally carbon fin spoiler, we used all the same bolts and it fit just fine.
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