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Everything posted by BlackBosh

  1. Filled it up, well not today but after payday, been busy last day or so 27 hours without sleep whoop!
  2. adjusted headlight for umpteenth time, put less in number plate bulbs. Its the little things
  3. Need some legal standing so when asked to do a risk assessment for opening a door I can turn around and say no need boss look. That way when asked to do a risk assessment for doing a demolition it has some weight and value and thought will go into it
  4. Gloves helmet body armour boots goggles, but I wouldn't wear any of it when working on my car, except maybe the goggles haha
  5. Na not bothered about that just hoping it doesn't involve wheels again as I don't want any broken vehicules[emoji26]
  6. I'm a atgatt kind of guy on my motorbike but from cycling its gloves for grip and that's about it. First time I tried a helmet i went straight over the bars on a downhill section, don't remember hitting my head but I was cleaning the mud out of it when I worked out which way was up. Lesson learned on that one Scrubbing gravel out of a fresh wound isn't fun but it's only what the medics would do so if I do it I can go easy on myself [emoji13]
  7. I'll leave that for future Bosh to post about, "wanted: wrx engine" haha, no I'll be steady, I will research it to death before I change anything it's how I do things
  8. I know man cheers, not normally the bloke this stuff happens to!
  9. Ecu flash and rom raider downloaded as well ready to go ha
  10. Looking at gloves myself, just posted about coming off my bike today cause I forgot my favourite 661s I'm just having a bad week, was a massive off as well must've slid 20ft! Was mega!!!! My boss asked if I wanted to go round and borrow his cutting tools (I'd mentioned a job I needed to do and he has a man cave), politely declined I'll just give myself some time to get out of this routine of damaging myself [emoji6]
  11. I left the Subaru today and went on the bike, then came off the bike at great speed leaving my right side scraped to chuff, and the day I didn't where my gloves! Typical Ps it was the push bike not the trumpet
  12. Sounds good Ill PM you
  13. That link is going to make a nice read
  14. Nice one bud, I'll def take the cable off your hands how much do you want for it? Going to steal my laptop back off my bro as I can't be bothered with bootcamp for my mac yet
  15. Whats this ssm software? Is it capable of turning it off? Im not back in leeds till next week some time. When i last looked at ecuedit and romraider it was advertising some £200 cable!! Put me off slightly
  16. Probably common sense to most but to the cowboys like me that chance it I spent this morning in A&E after some grit/rust/metal was flung into my eye during grinding. Extremely painful, uncomfortable and a morning of work missed could have been worse but a week of no contact lenses is like hell to me haha. Lesson learnt got myself some decent specs for this type of **** in the future. Cheers
  17. What cable do I need to connect my laptop to my car? As I failed miserably with the resistor and a remap is off the cards till next year at least
  18. They come in sets per side 4 are literally intact and taken from opposite sides as clearly there is a weak point for corrosion, The 2 that were stuck fast were in the mirror position of each other, If you follow. It's only £20 for a seal set as well so saving a fair bit of dosh as other things need buying this month
  19. Managed to salvage 4 pistons, the other 4 were either damaged by me removing them or were already pitted and knackered before I started.
  20. Trimmed turbo heat shield so it fits again around my down pipe, adjusted headlights (long overdue), swapped the clocks bulbs to leds hoping to make them brighter and only succeeded in changing the colour to a turquoisey blue. And started refurbing the cylinders in my brakes. Busy night last night
  21. Looking at the parts it seems the calipers are the culprits not the pistons. Hmm
  22. This was how i managed it took me 20 minutes but thanks for the suggestions, lesson learnt from this, bolt my vice down haha
  23. I got distracted with 2 wheels and doing my test, now I've sold the Astra as well I've got a lot more time for the scoob
  24. Thought you'd got rid of me! Well I got rid of the Astra instead so now only have the Subaru and a gorgeous new triumph to drain the wallet. Its now easier to focus on my baby. finally decided to do my calipers from *cough february cough* Luckily I bought a spare set cheap and think they maybe on the way as well so want another set to swap straight on. My question to yous guys is how the fudge do I remove the seized pistons notice they are on the "same" side Any idea on the best place to get seals as well as maybe a couple of pistons as the majority are reusable. TIA & sos if this is wrong spot gambit, feel like a newbie again
  25. Went down recently to get a new lid to match the new bike, gutted to hear you're no longer there, new horizons?
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