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Everything posted by BlackBosh

  1. Then the law is ridiculous
  2. all because he smiles
  3. I just replaced mine for a cheapo budget after a screw as they said the tyre on it was discontinued, will this be fine till I can get hold of a replacement on the bay or wherever?
  4. Wouldn't be allowed because it shows enjoyment from driving* *see GT86 advert ... This world we live in /:|
  5. Guessing as there's more rotational mass after the clutch you should just be more sympathetic with it. I imagine they are built to cope though otherwise the internet would be awash with people complaining how weak impreza clutched are
  6. Unless you get a model that was supposed to come with ppp but you didn't know this till after buying it :(
  7. Silly bints like that shouldn't be driving. She's probably thinking theres some invisible damage that only a garage can sort out. Grr you wouldn't need insurance if only car enthusiasts were on the road. #ClarksonforPM rant over. Good luck getting it sorted hopefully if it goes through then it will be down as both at fault and she gets stung all the same. I hate insurance.
  8. Feel for you mine was supposed to be ppp'd but that means i can go silly with it now
  9. I once had to write a risk assessment for WD-40. I had to acquire the safety chemical data sheet or whatever its called and all sorts of ****** not a happy bosh. In the end it said something along the lines of "if you're going to !Removed! yourself up with this stuff you shouldn't be allowed to class yourself as a human being" don't think my boss ever got to that bit when proofing it
  10. Just pay attention to that little pipe with the pill in show it respect lol it can make or break your motor
  11. Fitted boost gauge test fitted spoiler swapped vacuum lines aaaaand !Removed! it
  12. So this has now been useful to me sort of, i fitted a boost gauge and was seeing 13psi. I have since swapped all the vacuum hoses and only getting 9 sometimes 10psi. Then my mate asked me about the restrictor pill (which I'd forgot about) and i read somewhere on my05 it will go between the turbo and the t-piece so i put it back in and nothing still getting 9-10psi with a wobble at full chat. Also slightly annoying is no more flutter though I know this will come back with full boost so help please
  13. I'm happy with it more money for bits
  14. Massive turnout from SOC lol nice to meet you ash
  15. Insured the little beggar now she's back on the road!
  16. Managed to sort it out in the end £500 not bad for a young 'un
  17. Scoobys good to come and so am i, see you boys tonight
  18. That's why I reverted back to the derv for a while as much as I miss my scoob in the week it makes it more worthwhile at the weekends
  19. This place haha, I got bored and went for a drive
  20. tell me about it ive been doing this journey twice a week for the past few months now, the only upside was in the scooby this bit brought my avg consumption up to the low 30s
  21. Thats a step in the wrong direction! I've spent the past few years constantly based down south and love it every time i come home, a true Yorkshireman, even if it is reliably a good few degrees colder
  22. Reet good england^
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