last night after a right damn hard drive water level was the same, it was only this morning when I checked after the car was off all night its gone down a bit.
Yes I kept filing it up to the full mark the. 2 days later it was down again
I know it's nothing to worry about but sqeals but really annoy me.
Oh well I'll get it sorted whenever thanks for all the help
right, the squeaking noise, is doing my head in. seems to be getting louder. Could it be clutch sqeal. cant see it being air con as the aircon is not on.
Dont think its cam bearings as it had a full cam kit on 5000 miles ago.
Yes that what I'm on about.
I found the previous owners number On a service document.
He's a extremely rich bloke who has spent thousands on it.
He said the water level has always sat that way. Apparantly it's had a cooler radiator which makes the engine colder than most, and he's had a better suspension put on it.
So I feel a bit more happier now I spoke to him and I was on the phone to him for an hour so maybe it's the way it is maybe there was an airlock or something
In face less bubbles than that. Doesn't seen to have lost any water on the hard drive either . The squeak sounds like it's from the front but can't tell where doesn't sound like a bearing or something can only hear it with bonnet open
Just been for quite a firm drive. There's probably a 3 bubbles every 6 or 7 seconds they're not continuous however there is a sqeak in the engine somewhere not sure where from but it sounds like a rotary squeak
everywhere i ring, they either wont touch it, or cant get it in until end of next week. Supposed to be drving to bristol the weekend. It does like like radweld. there was the odd bubble every 4 or 5 seconds earlier in the tank
how do i flush the system, wouldlike to get it done asap.
if i bought rad weld,bould i put it in the expansion tank next to the header, or main water compartment on the top of the engine?
the header is always full also. just look a bit like dirty water you find in a puddle.
I was thinking of getting some radweld but where do you put it, in the coolant plastic one or the header