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Everything posted by bandit

  1. Gambit. got in touch but wheels have all gone :o thanks for the heads up mate :D i'll keep looking.
  2. Gambit many thanks pal,ive emailed them,just have to see if they have any left :( thanks again mate.
  3. Gambit thanks man :D you've always got your finger on the pulse :) TOP MAN
  4. Help needed, just found a nasty flat spot on one of the back wheels on my gb270 must have been a present off them good guys who look after our highways :o (****** pot holes) So im looking to see if any one out there knows if any one has some for sale,or could piont me in the right direction to have it fixed,they are the prodrive 18" multi spoke ones. many thanks in advance :D
  5. Gambit,come on get your name down mate sounds like a good one to add to nxt years meets for all :D
  6. Gambit,get my name down mate im in :D good do.
  7. Hope puts all them cans in the recycle bin :( silly cow
  8. bandit

    Japshow 2015

    Guy,s like the sound of this :D good start after a bad finish looking forward to it already :P
  9. Gambit,top man your all doing a great job,im sure nxt years meets will be a lot better :D keep up the good work its a good club,and subaru uk sounds a great idear :) get them on board im sure it will **** off the others good work :D
  10. guys thanks refund sorted email recieved,as for this facebook and twatter !Removed!!! no thanks its not for me? we are a subaru owners club,we have a very good forum and some good members on it,dont spoil something because we think it needs changing, i dont think it does.its a new club so let it grow and mature it will end up a succsess.
  11. Gambit,don't beat youself up about this man,i know you and all the other guys that tryed did there best and so well done im gutted about the hole thing as realy wanted to come down and meet a few more members :D but like i said theres no way im paying over the odds for there tickets now to park where they put you :( on are own stand yes B) i'll look forward to nxt years program of meets. once again thanks for trying,and sorry i'll be missing the last one have a great day all that are going B)
  12. well well well,its a poor do we carn't get 10 cars for a stand ? Thats pritty !Removed! realy ! looks like i'll have to wait for my refund and just try and get !Removed! insted :o im not paying £31 quid to them fuckers to park on some farmers field this time :( i hope it gets better nxt year im gutted was looking forward to meeting everyone
  13. Gambit,you've done all you can,now its up to everyone els to step up to the mark and be there :D if your about on saturday night let me know as i'll have a beer with you mate,no probs
  14. Will we have the 10 cars on the club stand thats needed ? or is it still a short list :( im not driving down on the sunday morn as i'll need to be up to early f***k that :o
  15. Tickets sorted im in on the sunday :D will be staying down on the saturday night if anyone about for a jar
  16. No probs mate :) on it now. will get them sorted :D
  17. Gambit.i need two tickets and the booking form only allows you to purchase one do you have to do it twice
  18. Gambit,is the price of the ticket for the car and all inside? or is it just per person!
  19. Gambit, put me down for donation mate, all for a good cause
  20. Gambit and fellow members, I can see how frustrating it must be trying to get members to make an effort and support the club, but all this Facebook !Removed! isn't for me! (Sorry) I've seen what **** and back stabbing it can inflicted so for that I must say no. Gambit I will say that your heart and loylty are in the club, and for that I'll surport you whenever I can. We are a subaru club,so as said before there all welcome,and all should feel welcome no mater what. Well done to all that have surportted the club in the past, I'm only a new member but what I've seen already is all good, well done to all. See you there.
  21. Nice bootlid pics :D flags would be good if we could get some we would stand out a bit more and get noticed
  22. Will the tickets be sorted by the club?like the last japfest,or do we have to sort our own out for venue
  23. Guys have a look at the ibis,ive got in on the saturday, was only £50 :)
  24. Looking is a bad thing mate, the more you see the more you want
  25. Gambit im in :) put me and the good lady down for the sunday pal :D We will come down on the sat and stay over somewhere close to the venue. i'll park nxt to your hawkeye on the day :P
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