Thanks for that :D I have included a picture for you chaps of the car as it stands, like I said I'm fortunate in that it's totally standard except for two areas the first being a powerflow exhaust and the second being a lightened flywheel. It's has new timing belts, clutch and the flywheel that I mentioned. MOT is until January next year as well so I'm very happy with it, just need to start getting the car clean.
It's spent a large portion of it's life out in the sticks so natrually there's a lot of mud/dirt in and around various parts there is also eveidence of car wash paint damage i.e. lots of swirls marks. As I mentioned there is knocking from the front (lots of it) so the drop links will be getting attention first both front and rear.
Tonight after having the car out I was hit with an engine management light which was P0340 - Camshaft Position sensor "A" circuit. (Bank 1 or Single Sensor). A two second search on that brings back a wealth of compaints and every one seemed to be the "bug" eye Impreza. Looks like I have my work cut out on that one if I'm to find a fix haha.
The headlights have some hazing on them which I'll need to repair with those buffing kits you now get. In a bid to test how easily I could restore the paint work I sectioned off part of the bonnet and worked through the cleaning process and compunded the paint back a bit and it came up very well which means I have a day or two of buffing coming up haha
End Result
Anyway, that's where I'm at so far :)