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Everything posted by james26

  1. That's some serious time lol my next day off I'm hoping to get all mine done..really want a spoiler but insurance is coming up soon :(
  2. I want the spoiler so bad now...I will wait and see how low the wrx shocks make the car cos I may need to get new wheels but I will be getting a spoiler soon :)
  3. Been looking at them I think i might lol send a pic of the running boards :)
  4. That's the one right there looks the nuts I want I want I want
  5. I thought it was the only spoiler really for a forester lol
  6. The forester sti spoiler should I put one on my s turbo or is that trying to hard LOL
  7. Collected my shocks from the depot today [emoji22] they don't look to pretty but I am assured there's no knocks or leaks sooo I guess it's going to be a case of cleaning them up...I hope this doesn't come back to bite me in the !Removed!
  8. Got to make a decision let the scratches stay (it is a 14 year old car) or have to pay to have the car mopped and hope that makes it look better [emoji22] plus half started to re spray the windscreen wipers had to stop and go to work my car looks like a right mess.
  9. Just seen on a subaru page on facebook that a 52 plate has been recalled from the main dealer over corrosion on the wishbone wondering if anyone else has had this call???
  10. Shocks haven't arrived and some slags have scratched my car in the car park not a happy bunny atm plus the tint on my back window has been scratched off a bit from the inside
  11. It might sound funny but Facebook has a few scooby selling pages and I've found a few bargains
  12. I'm just looking at replacement standard bumpers
  13. I was planning to eventually wanna get the cars body work sorted out she's got a few marks here and there that are just annoying me like the bumpers
  14. Risborough isn't too far from me...jesus I'm going to need to get some more work in lol
  15. Do you have a mapper in mind I'm going to be looking into for next month...well depending on the outcome of this shock situation...oh and I found a very nice ser of black 16" alloys but I'm torn between between a new set of bumpers as mine any in the best condition and @£40 each
  16. Just saw this comment yeah self levelling..crap will have to wait and see lol already ordered the shock should be here monday
  17. Lol don't get a tractor get a forester it's a !Removed! magnet...[emoji39] (I couldn't keep a straight face writing this)
  18. All we need are scoobys and boobies [emoji13]
  19. Will take some pics before and after hopefully it comes tomorrow so I can fit sunday...
  20. Lol no hoping it's going to come tomorrow I think I'm going to go for a decat next we had a import wrx sti my missus hated that she's a bit happier with this lol
  21. I'll bring spare tyres for all the burnouts lol
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