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Everything posted by james26

  1. I've got a 2000 (w reg) forester s turbo that's all I know atm lol
  2. I've got so much work to do on it still it's a 14 year old car lol has a few minor body work issues tons a the least..but on the flip side gives me a deadline to get it done
  3. If I can get my car up to standard I will definitely be coming get to this just hope I'm not the only forester lol
  4. Just check on one of those insurance compare sites and fully comp for my forester s turbo is £800 im 26 I've got 3 NCB will a clean licence (now).
  5. Well today I finally fitted the dump valve did a oil change and new fuel filter and after all that found out the rear suspension is on its way out...so now the remap is out the window and its back on the net looking for parts that won't cost the earth...but on the plus side car is running like a dream.
  6. And tips on lowering springs wanna improve the feel as well its like a damp boat lol
  7. I had the same problem trying to find a dump/blow of valve for my car so many fakes yet so hard to find one to fit having the same trouble with lowering springs...
  8. Had it on the ramp at the garage notice how shocking they were so might not be a bad idea just wanna harden it up a bit
  9. Same things really looking for a new set of rims possibly lowering just to help with handling as it can feel like a boat sometimes lol.. I will be getting a set of H I D. maybe decat the pipe.
  10. so it started of just as a BOV and has escalated to other mods and styling time to upgrade the turbo lol. so spent the last few hours looking for parts and getting a little bit to carried away buying car cleaning products
  11. is there any pages here for selling for foresters??? might help with the whole deep pockets things lol and might help get a few styling ideas
  12. LOL nah not going crazy on this one had my old Scooby tuned by Garage D but i think im going to limit myself with this one
  13. hey any advice is good advice at the moment mate this is the only picture i have
  14. Going to have a quick look on ebay see what i can find...is it most impreza mods parts fit the forester or am i barking up the wrong tree
  15. Cheers Buddy been looking all over but just wasn't to sure what i would need
  16. Hey been asking in a few places now but think this might be the right one im looking to add a Dump valve or a BOV to my 2000 Forester S turbo i was wondering what people opinions are and any good Mod ideas..I had a Jap import WRX STI a few years ago so im new to the Forester cheers
  17. thought i would put up a few pictures of my Forester S Turbo & ask another question about Dump valves lol
  18. hey these are the only pictures I have at the moment ive heard that about the impreza bits fitting but wasn't really sure. changing pipes and other bits not such a problem..i used to have a Jap import WRX STI but then ended up with 12 points on my licence so that had to go lol..i don't want to go crazy with mods but i do like a good Dump sound lol..
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