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Everything posted by Sandals

  1. Big it up for us Edinburgh chumps!!
  2. Did you completely remove the lamps? I've seen instructions where people sandpaper the outside to remove the fogging then polish them up... did you have a different type of fogging? Mine looks to be caused by UV discolouring the plastic...
  3. I've found a good walkthrough on how to sort out the headlights, and my seatbelts don't squeek but thanks anyway!
  4. Yeh I had no idea there was such a debate with DV's until I started reading up on them before collecting my Impreza on Tuesday! Ok, so my agenda for the next couple of months: Exhaust Air Filter Possibly remove snorkel Clean up the front lights as they have fogged up a little is the snorkel just bolted on or did you have to cut it off?
  5. Thanks for that detailed reply Justin! I've read about that snorkel removal, some people say it causes a little bit of air turbulence and loses a little bit of power? Have you noticed any negative effects after doing that? I was more leaning to just upgraded the panel filter anyway... just wanted some more opinions! Was considering a hybrid dump valve and maybe set it to 50/50... but they seem quite expensive so that can wait for now!
  6. Would they fit my Subaru since mine is the blob eye? I would imagine they would otherwise you wouldn't be offering them to me :D
  7. HNNNNNG.... don't tempt me... How much would you be looking for them? Would they make the car very loud? I don't want it to be OTT...
  8. Gaulson: I'll have a listen when i get home, PC at work doesn't have speakers!! Nah I'm not going to be tuning it, just a few extras to release a bit more noise is all, it's plenty fast for me... I came from a 2.2ctdi Honda civic which wasn't exactly a slow car, but the Impreza blows it away!
  9. Thanks for the warm welcome and replies guys!! I'm assuming that dry and non-oiled are the same? If so, what would be a good induction kit to go for and how do you tell if it's dry/non-oiled? The car is a little quiet for my taste :D
  10. Hey Guys! Finally, after years of wanting a Subaru Impreza... (and a wife who didn't) I have finally won her over and bought one! It's a completely bog standard, 2004 WRX. I am the second owner and it has done less than 32k!! I've only had it for 2 days and covered 60 miles and I already know I'm going to love owning this car!! Been doing a lot of research into dumpvalves, induction kits, exhausts etc... Basically my goal is not to go down the mega tuner route. I just want to do a few minor changes, first one being the exhaust. I want to just have that distinct burble, nothing too loud otherwise the wife will probably go mental! So was just thinking of changing the backbox and see how that goes, maybe further down the line doing more but I reckon it's a good place to start! Got my eye on this: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/350498086221?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649 Anyone have some experience or knowledge on this? Will it be stupidly loud or just loud enough? I don't want something that will be really loud on motorway drives. Also read alot about induction kits causing issues to the MAF sensor... would it be best just getting a better panel filter? Or not changing the filter at all? Thanks in advance!!
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