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Everything posted by Sandals

  1. Oh come on!!
  2. Just sold my house and haven't bought my new one yet... £75k sitting in my account.... HNNNNNNNNNG......
  3. Bored at work and looking at bits for my scooby... dangerous combination. Just throwing it out there to see if anyone has a non-resonated centre pipe (2.5") and a decat up pipe that would fit my blob. More interested in the centre pipe as i wouldn't need a remap to benefit (altho this is on the cards). Can't promise I can buy straight away... in the process of moving house but if you have the bits and are willing to wait, I will def buy. Not a whole bunch happening on ebay so thot I would try here :D Edit: Forgive me for being a complete moron... I thot i was in the "Parts wanted" section.....
  4. This is one fine looking car... :D http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/SUBARU-IMPREZA-P1-PRODRIVE-LTD-NUMBER-193-2-1-STROKER-468-9bhp-no-swap-/181713095530?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item2a4ef1cb6a
  5. "Step 2: Once you have received your quotation OR if you are already a policy holder with us" Highlighted a key word for you there :D Edit: "Terms Of Entry. 1 entry per person. Adrian Flux underwriting criteria applies. Quote must be obtained via the telephone number listed or as arranged via PM, in April 2015. Once quote received OR if existing customer, a comment as mentioned in the competition terms must be left in the competition thread. The winner will be randomly selected from all entries on all participating forums and will need to supply details to locate quote/policy when requested. General terms can be found here: https://www.adrianfl...ac-standard.php"
  6. You can enter if you are an existing policy holder!
  7. I would recommend Billion as well... very reliable and powerful routers which are also user friendly and their customer service is excellent
  8. Has anyone created any fun game modes with the online creator? I've seen loads of youtube videos of them and they look like great fun!! Looking to have a bash at doing this next week
  9. Yeh I'm not fussed about dropping in and out of a game, plus there are plenty of PC games that can do that. Will be interesting to see Witcher 3 on the PC... game looks amazing!
  10. Eve isn't a game.. it's a 2nd occupation!! I can assure you, game loading times are a lot better these days! I just bought Dark souls 2: Sins of the first Scholar. The game loads in less than 5 seconds... and that's not on an SSD :D
  11. I'm not being an elitest! I'm just being better in every way.... :P I had a shot of Forza on an xbone in Tesco a few weeks ago... how do you put up with the loading times?!?
  12. Well i can certainly confirm I've not been looking at brakes.................................................... Edit: Now i have an advert for "An evening with Lulu" (pretty sure that's just another version of mature dating) and Gaviscon... for when I be a little sick in my mouth
  13. I have a few friends who all have the PC edition... going to play a lot next week during my week off! See what the online is all about!
  14. What an interesting advert......
  15. Haha! I wondered who would bite first... :P I have no interest in the console war, everyone has their own personal preferences... I do have two PS3's but they are generally for blu-rays and netflix... very occasional games tho... God of War being one :D
  16. Ooooh! My insurance is due for renewal in May so I'll no doubt get a quote
  17. PCs don't need to be upgraded as often as the console peasants make out! :P
  18. I take my laptop on holiday... so i can still get my gaming fix while the wife cooks herself in the sun :D
  19. BT are one of the few providers that do not throttle speeds during peak times (usually called traffic management)... I'm looking as well because I'll be able to get fibre in my new house when I move in and I will probably go with BT. The Home Hub 5 is actually pretty decent, living with my parents for the time being until my house is available and they have BT Fibre (80/20) and it is great... I downloaded GTA V (all 62GB of it!) in less than two hours, while my dad was streaming the golf on his laptop!
  20. Ha! sounds very familiar to what I do... I actually specifically bought a gaming laptop so I had something to do while on night shifts! Gaming laptop: (custom built by Scan) i7 4710Q 8GB DDR3 RAM 256GB SSD + 1TB HDD 2 x Nvidia 860M in SLI 17" 1080p monitor Bit of a bruiser at 4kg! Desktop: i5 4670k @ 4.5GHz 8GB DDR3 @ 2133MHz MSI Z87 Gaming Mobo AMD 7990 (water cooled) + 280x in Tri-Fire Lots of HDDs... 1080p @ 120Hz monitor. Need to instal GTA V on my laptop and see how it runs so I can play it while at work during the weekend!
  21. oooooh!! My next purchase is going to be one of the new 1440p monitors that can do 144Hz... that's if I decide to do that rather than spend money on my scoob :D
  22. Strange... I preloaded and had no issues, apart from my patience for waiting for the files to decrypt!! I'm stuck with how to play it tho... first person view is great with keyboard and mouse because precision aiming is great! But driving is complete !Removed! with a KB and mouse... On the other hand, driving with a controller is great... but lose the edge with aiming on a controller... not so bad for single player, but no chance against mouse aimers online! :D Edit: There's a swear filter now?? How boring!
  23. It's cool... was just more seeing if anyone had any issues with the PC release... It's taken some tweaking but i've got it running well and boy does it look good!
  24. Anyone get this for PC? Or just me...? :(
  25. McLaren Mercedes SLR for me... Love the sound that thing makes :D
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