not as bad as scoobynet on mobile, had a popup there on my mobile, which I instantly closed without touching anything didnt even have chance to load. only to get a text thanking me for entering a comp and it billed £6 to my mobile...
three were useless said they couldn't do anything, put me into a three way call with that company who lied down the phone and told me I had answered a question (how many legs does a spider have) and entered a compo...
I really hadn't! needless to say I was fuming, looking on google I was lucky some people had been hit for £40-£180..
many dodgy companies useng payforit and all they need is a glimpse at your mobile number and they can charge to your account with no verification.
since then I have blocked any premium charges through three and also rooted my phone so can use adblockplus on all connections lesson learned :)