Here you go Michael85, I've spun your scooby around (see below) looking nice btw !
Looks like you've got the important stuff done so far, have you changed the oil and filter yet?
I've recently bought a Sports Wagon as a project too, years after having a Sport Saloon back in early 2000s I always vowed I'd have another Scooby
Done the oil and filter, needs replacement shocks (been looking for turbo shocks S/H on eBay, I'm assuming they'll go straight on ) there's a nock at the front, prob a tie-bar bush etc, plus one or both of the back wheel bearings are 'whining' slightly, so needs doing too but all good fun, as long as it doesn't cost too much
Remember - If you sign up as a club member you get a Halfords discount card = 15% off most items ! (cycles only 10% off) so get your parts and fluids etc and get saving money Blud - BOOOOOMM !!!!!!!!