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Everything posted by Bakerwrx

  1. I don't mind getting my hands dirty working on cars but after those vids I think i'd be tempted by the Perrin adaptor, that looks nice and neat. Good value too.
  2. How does that Perrin adaptor work? Yeah thats what I thought about the Japspeed one but if it works then maybe its function over form.
  3. Hi guys As usual I'm just after a bit of advice. I'm after a shortshifter for my wrx hatch, the standard throw is far too long and sloppy for my liking. Seen a few online although mostly from US sites (COBB, Kartboy) then saw one on the japspeed website for £70 http://www.japspeed.co.uk/subaru-impreza-08-11-short-shifter.html Anyone have any experience with these?
  4. More dechroming. That nasty rear light bar is next on the hitlist. Spot the difference
  5. Open grille fitted. Started the de-chroming this morning and very happy with it (apart from the raw arms from fitting it of course, thank you subaru designers)
  6. Now on my blue WRX :)
  7. Hi Xander how are you looking for for this? roughly.
  8. Hi Aucky Do you still have these? Dibs if you do. £30 delivered please PM me your paypal details.
  9. Are uprated ARB's worth fitting after sorting out the springs?
  10. Ah yes rural cambridgshire isn't exactly known for its smooth tarmac either. might just bite the bullet and get them anyway. Then coilovers later in the year.
  11. Thanks a lot guys. Just wanted some feedback from people who've had springs fitted and its pretty much what i had hoped for - good improvement for the money spent. Obviously not perfect but will improve things until I can afford coilies. http://www.scoobyparts.com/suspension/tein/tein-lowering-springs-wrx-hatch-08-12 found some Tein springs here for £125 so probably going to go with them to see me through until summer.
  12. Good morning chaps So I know that all of the critic's gripes with the hatchback wrx were about how softly sprung it was compared with the earlier cars and I have to agree. The body roll is pretty bad down twisty roads and if you hit a bump mid corner and the weight shifts it can feel pretty scary. I know that coilovers are the best solution but money is tight being January so they won't be an option for awhile. In the meantime would stiffer springs (with a very minimal drop -20mm) be fine on my standard dampers? And would they improve the handling noticeably? Obviously stiffer ARBs will help too. Something like these: http://www.tarmacsportz.co.uk/GB/WRX__and__STI_Tanabe_Sustec_GF210_lowering_springs_/SU8_TGF140_.aspx
  13. Do you know what offset I need?
  14. Very true but that may be a little out of budget for a bigger turbo any time soon. I'll have to pester my boss for a payrise. He drives a mk7 golf gti and moans every time there's discussions about tuning in the office as he knows if he tunes his he'll get no grip with fwd :P
  15. Likely to be 2nd decat then cat back system. Then manifold and first decat at the same time followed by remap.
  16. Ah yes good point. Well manifold will be last part to be changed so it might be a flip of a coin job when it comes to it :)
  17. Surely if it was that noticeable there wouldn't be a market for unequal manifolds?
  18. Surely with the better flow rate of a decent aftermarket unequal manifold it'll cancel out the loss due to going to an unequal manifold. Does that make sense?
  19. Right so now after initially wanting something just a little louder I've come to my senses and I'm looking at the non-resonated cobra sport exhaust with 4" slash cut tip with 2nd decat, first sports cat and an unequal length manifold. Plus a remap as I fit each part. Plus if I do it a section at a time perhaps my gf won't notice the volume increase. 0:).
  20. Hi guys so I'm wanting to get some different wheels for my wrx. Will be sticking with 17s but want a lower offset as the standard ones are tucked in a little too far for my liking. One of my last cars was a mk1 mx5 with et0 dished wheels on a 40mm bolt on spacer. Obviously I won't be going this far but I would like them to be a little more flush without having to roll the arches. Anyone know what you can get away with on the wrx hatchback?
  21. My only other turbo car in the past was an mr2 turbo and that came with a 3" nur spec turbo back exhaust fitted from the previous owner and that used to overboost and hit the fuel cut. Didn't have it long enough to get it mapped though just took it as a part ex.
  22. Ok so can I get a cat back system and 2nd decat fitted and still drive it safely without over boosting or do I need a remap at that point?
  23. Ah right Yeah 2.5 is absolutely fine for me too. Doubt I'll be going over that sort of power as it unlikely I'll change the turbo. Can buy a 2.5" 2nd decat pipe and get the rest of the system in 2.5" too then custom made :). Does single or full decat show a check engine warning light? Does a remap remove this?
  24. What are the power limitations of a 2.5" exhaust over 3"?
  25. Ah so the stock downpipe is 2-piece with a cat in each. Also ideally I want 3" from turbo back?
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