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About MJP02

  • Birthday 02/18/1971

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  1. Area 52 do rolling road mapping, no experience with them except a rr day at theirs with M-SOC. Scooby clinic have mapped both my cars and have had no issues with maps at all.
  2. Do you have the right size shoe's fitted? there is a few sizes available
  3. Cant deffo take this at the moment, work is messing me around, If you have the opportunity to sell it by all means dont hold on to it for me, I will know by Monday but if its gone then fair do's
  4. I tried that and never succeeded, easy way it to run a 12v switch to the 4th wire that makes them white
  5. rattle is the damn buttons on the dash cam. need to glue them
  6. Trax 2016 (today) so many drivers just keeping to the line and not moving over. Had to use all the track not just keep to the left
  7. where about in Lincolnshire? I have a small works van and could do a detour if not to far away, they hate to many miles none work related
  8. as you said you would cover the cost of shipping, I will make it easier and say split it 50/50?
  9. go on then you twisted my arm, same payment details or different this time? at Trax tomorrow so will pay when I'm back
  10. For me it was Smash TV in the arcade and Speedball 2 on mega drive, then elite original on commadore 128
  11. Tempted in the subframe, its just logistics
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