Hi There
Do you still need the cooler pipe for your 98 impreza by any chance? I think I may have one or two kicking around. I will have a look in the morning for you. You can contact me on 01884 32339 if interested.
Hi There I have several of these kicking around if interested. I can have one sent out to you for £12 all in if of any interest. If you would like one you can give me a call on 01884 32339
Ahh yes I know the ones you mean mainly 14mm and a couple of 12mm bolts. I will see if I can put a set together in the morning, if you would like to give me a call tomorrow after lunch I should have a set put together for you.
Hi There
I have a lot of the Subaru nuts and bolts kicking around from various models. which subframe bolts is it. Is it the front or rear subframe? Give me a call tomorrow on 01884 32339 I should be able to help you out with these.
Do you still need the air box for the impreza, I have a couple of them kicking around if interested. You can contact me on 01884 32339. I have a lot of Subaru parts kicking around, so let me know if I can help at all.