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Everything posted by muziqaz

  1. How can you tell that it was 2017 model? Is there some distinct body features which show it being 2017? Only way I found out that mine was 2017 was through VIN number. 64 plate tells that it was 1st revision of this new shape.
  2. Thanks, I will check it out, and most definitely keep it in mind
  3. OK, done some more reading up on fuel, and will make extra effort to fill up with shell from now on, especially now when I am past the engine break in period and am allowed to use boost :D And there I was several months ago laughing my !Removed! off from supercars of london fool filling his brand spanking new 0 mile Merc AMG GTS with 95 octane regular fuel on his first petrol garage stop from dealers :D
  4. subispeed.com but they ship with rubber nuts which are waaay too small for the holes they are supposed to fit. It took me another order from amazon and some rubber cutting in order to fit them DIY style ;) and regarding fuel, never trusted Tesco's fuel. And I asked the dealer when buying my STI, if BP Ultimate is ok, and they said its fine. I have one shell garage not far from my home, but its kinda off my way while BP is in very convenient place.
  5. Gloves are off ;) Most likely will book an oil change just to flush all the new engine bits and bobs :D P.S. Yesterday saw blue bug eye in Addiscombe, London, the chap inside it waved. Feel like I just joined a brotherhood :) And his bug eye was extremely clean.
  6. No chance to open it up in London, especially with drivers recently being complete d***ks. And as soon as you hit 3k rpm car just wakes up and you are already breaking the law :D I can just imagine how she will act once I hit full boost. This car does not like mild driving. But I live in Kent part of London, so easy to pop out to some B roads. Like today got lost somewhere in Kent. Couple of hours later popped out somewhere around Gravesend :D What pisses me off is normal road suddenly becoming single lane road and you are too concentrated to see whats beyond the next corner. But being early Saturday morning, not many cars were around so I was lucky enough. I need some quality 2 lane roads. And I need to scout out some nice locations to park my car to take some pictures. As soon as I see some lovely landscape, there is nowhere to park and everything is fenced off :( And yeah talking about milk, I always go to furthest of tescos to shop, even though there are one or 2 much closer to my house :D
  7. Thanks. I think subaru should have done bottom bezel same color as ones around control buttons, would have been consistent and neat. And would have saved me from drilling my steering wheel :D I just don't get the obsession with silver/chrome :/ Anyway, clocked 460 miles already. Not long till I open it up :D Though manual says 1000 miles for engine break in. But driving in London traffic 500 miles become 1500miles on motorway.
  8. Finally fitted trunk hooks with some DYI, and spent couple of hours replacing steering wheel bottom bezel with piano black bit. Now need to get either hair dryer, or heat gun for some outside bits. Also installed coin holder instead of fusebox cover. Fusebox cover had keypad glued to it, had to take it off. Interestingly coin holder had fuse diagram labelled V1, while my car has V2 diagram with some added fuses for DRL. anyways here is a photo of the steering wheel:
  9. https://flic.kr/p/M7EGZg Let the games begin :) Ordered from subispeed.com done the order Friday, was delivered today. Well happy, except customs fee :D Anyways my aim is to rid the car from any chromey/silver bits possible. Debating with myself either to debadge Subaru AWD and WRX and leave STI only, or plastidip them black.
  10. Clocked 250 miles over couple of days driving. Still hit or miss with the clutch. Also brakes are interesting. I came from no name kwikfit scirocco brake pads, so obviously difference is huge. My scirocco brakes would grab straight away, but with STI when I press it slightly braking is very vague. Obviously I did not press them hard enough yet to test them properly, but when pressing mildly they act similar when my Scirocco brake were overheating :) Again this is not a complaint, just observation. What make are STI brake pads and discs? Hand brakes when I park a car even at a slight slope I can hear a slight slippage. I have to pull handbrake all the way up to stop it from making that noise. This issue should go away once I start putting the parked car into gear. At the moment, I avoid doing it because my habits are still on Automatic, I am fearful that I might release the clutch after starting the engine without putting into neutral. Just need some time to get my mind into gear. I remember when my scirocco was in for service, VW gave me manual Polo. So I went to work with it, parked it in the car park, after work all tired and in automatic mode, I start the engine and instead of pressing clutch to get into reverse, I pressed brake pedal and tried putting it into reverse :D It ended up in some minor explosive bang :) So yeah :D Anyways, am looking for some car covers, as during xmas I will be going for 3 week holiday abroad, and car will be parked in Airport car park. Anyone know any good covers? I'm currently looking into these 3: http://www.coveryourcar.co.uk/store/product.php?productid=16243&cat=286&page=1 http://www.coveryourcar.co.uk/store/product.php?productid=16788&cat=286&page=1 http://www.coveryourcar.co.uk/store/product.php?productid=18816&cat=286&page=1 I'm leaning towards the 1st one, but I do like the 3rd one, unfortunately they do not have 2015+ WRX/STI in the drop down list of selection.
  11. Haha, yeah, I was sitting in the car talking to my dad over the phone. He said, take some pictures of the car. I opened the bonnet and nearly fainted seeing the mess :D Mine showed up after 70 miles of driving. I guess it depends on temps or something, since I mainly drive in London traffic. Hopefully in next few days I will be able to come out of the city for some petrol burning time ;)
  12. With bikes its kinda different. Besides we are talking EJ motor here, gaskets ringland, etc. Might as well take it easy first few hundred miles, to make sure everything sticks together nicely :D In USA, Subaru dealers even offer free oil change after break in period, to clear all the bits and bobs the break in period produced. Some AMG Mercs even have computer limiting revs during break in period ;)
  13. Yeah I took lifeshine as well. Was considering paint protection wrap, but not sh***ng money at the moment :D Internet all over the world is telling me that break in period is around 500 miles with revs under 4k, which is when boost kicks in. I has few moments when I went past 4k for short blip, and even can feel power build up around 3k rpm. Though I understand that I still do not experience full boost turbo has to offer. I also use BP 97. Got used to them during scirocco years, so gonna use them as well. Now I need to find self servicing car wash, as I don't want to **** off my neighbors by washing my car by my house. Anyone know any in London (South/Southeast London)? @Sandals, thanks for welcome ;)
  14. Hey, so it has been a week since I got my STI, and as promised here is the thread with my experiences and opinions on it. I will post some photos once I find some decent photoshoot place. This week I'm on holiday, so planning on driving a little bit. Need to crank on those miles to break in the engine. Keeping under 4000 rpm is not fun :D Either way at the moment I am driving like grandma, 1st couple of days was cr*ping myself, since clutch is not very forgiving, but I kept apologizing to the car, so I hope all is good. I came from 2 years of DSG driving, so... yeah. Car brings extreme amount of attention, people stopping in traffic staring at it and stuff. Worst thing is they expect me to just shoot of to the horizon :D But yeah, takes me a minute or two to start moving from first :D As mentioned in other thread engine covering wax broke its color and now is visible. Dealers mechanic confirmed that it was indeed wax. I was thinking at later stage install axelback exhaust, but stock one is already too loud in the mornings (cold start) in my neighbourhood, and inside of the car exhaust is leading tone. I love it, but my passengers might not like it (not that I care). Subaru arranged tracking system for free 1st year, second year its gonna be 150 or so, which is not a big deal. 1st year tax (£903) was paid by Subaru as well, so that is already good deal. No MOT for 3 years. Not really thrilled about infotainment system, Starlink is basic of the basic. USB stick with my music gets forgotten when I switch off the engine, so I have to insert it again for car to pick it up. Scirocco had SD card reader for music, have no idea why that's not a thing with Subaru's. Speakers are very basic (didn't go for the premium ones). Halfway through volume they start to make vibration noise. I'm not really complaining about this, just noting, since I have boxer soundtrack going on in the background ;) Also of note the car cabin noise. Coming from sh**ty scirocco, sti is very noise and mechanical. I mean I hear everything what gearbox and engine does, road noise is kinda similar to scirocco on a given road. I heard that 2017 model has much better noise isolation than previous models, so I wonder how did older models sound :D Again, not complaining, just noting that car means business. One thing what worries me is rear light fogging. Its happening with one side and is visible at the side where there is no bulbs. In the future I'm planning on swapping them to something different, so it shouldn't be big problem, but disappoints me that Subaru can't sort out proper insulation still. I got some advice about how to clean the engine bay from that wax and taking off the underside panels, thanks for that, I will look into it. oh oh, petrol. in a week, half of the tank gone :D with 70 miles driven. Love it, I'm gonna go broke :D
  15. Thanks for the tips guys. I will be creating new thread about that car with my observations and plans and questions. On holiday from today, so will have more time to scribble something more ;)
  16. Still sticky, weird that not all the pipes were 'waxed'.
  17. But it would make mess on everything, underbonnet, radiator would be messy. Radiator is completely clean. Engine should be cooler right now, I might go out and have a look closer. See what's what
  18. With coolant I know how it looks, as I had pump failure on my scirocco, so I really really doubt its coolant, as it would be dripping on the ground as well, wouldn't it? Thanks for the cleaning tips ;)
  19. Yeah now I am googling this specific thing and quite a few websites come up with questions about this goo under the Subaru bonnets. Now I feel bit more hopeful and less worried. That goo is still not solid, so I will try to clean it off.
  20. I didn't, since engine was still hot, but mine looks a right mess :/ I will have a closer look tomorrow morning. Also, this is a second time I am opening bonnet. First time was when I brought the car back to work car park from dealers, it was 10 minute drive, so I assume I should have seen the residue already by then, but at that time all the pipes look super clean. Thanks for a bit of hope :D
  21. Hey, guys, I wish my post would be under better circumstances, but today, after 3-4 days of owning brand new STI, came back home, I lifted a bonnet up to take some photos for my dad, and I see this greenish goo/foam on majority of pipes and internals in engine bay. Underside of the bonnet is completely clean, but nearly everything is covered with it. Sorry for full sized pictures, this forum somehow bugs itself out when I click to attach them as a link. Now could someone advise me on what a h**l exploded inside (I swear it wasn't me). I checked brake fluid cap, window washer fluid cap if they are tight, and they are. I do know this is not engine oil or any other oil for that matter. I now wonder if its not air con fluid? I am going back to dealer for some final paperwork, I will be showing them this. But I thought maybe you guys with a lot of experience can tell me more of this, is it dangerous to drive like this, etc. Also, I am babying this car like old lady, since I came from automatic car, so am very mind full and careful when changing gear and getting used to ridiculous clutch, so there is no chance, that this happened due to abuse of the car, besides, engine needs to break in. So yeah.
  22. To add what Xander mentioned, but I would go with cheap Google Android phone with pay as you go or even cheapest pay monthly for internet access. Default google tracker is good enough, but for more feature heavy or precise tracking just get Lookout Security app. Their free account give enough features to track the phone. Just hide the phone somewhere where it can least likely be found and that's it. For more stress free, that you don't need to charge it day in and out, wire it to power outlet (I'm not an electrician, but shouldn't be hard to do that) for constant charging (again as mentioned by Xander :) ). Was quite often thinking doing it to my scirocco (or whatever I was thinking on buying few years back). Obviously iphone would work fine, but I was never a big fan of their GPS and map systems ever since they f***ed up with their Apple Maps app :D
  23. I have to warn you in advance: I am not photogenic, and Keith (Kinghams owner) insisted on taking photo with me in it :D Here goes: I did not take a picture of other side, it had a sticker on the window saying: Made in Japan :D All the financial things regarding this car are sorted. Picking it up next week. A bit angry at myself that I did not order with those sick Imola (I think it was Imola) wheels. But its ok. I already have a lot of plans on visual things. Even bought front grill Impreza badge from Japan. In my opinion it looks very nice on this car. I cannot believe how different my mind set is compared when I bought my Scirocco 2 years ago. Back then it was: yeah, car, tide me over for couple of years. This time, loads of plans and I know that most of the stuff I'll do to it will be easy done, since there is so much info on the modding of this car. Cannot wait: https://flic.kr/p/MrqzQ3 I know I will j*zz my pants when I hear it started for first time :D P.S. I will create new thread somewhere more appropriate in this forum once I start fiddling with it ;)
  24. What color STI? :)
  25. So seems that my car is in UK, but wont be ready for another week. So hopefully next week I will sort out the paperwork and pick it up week after ;)
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