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Everything posted by muziqaz

  1. Its on If anyone wants to here it live, I will be attending Surrey Scoobies meet March 12th 1PM, Sunday in Cobham (if its still on, need to double check). I can honestly say, yesterday I was shaking and shocked at how much louder than I thought it is :D The comparison will be filmed with cold start only. As stock exhaust was only filmed at cold start. But obviously I will record some driving inside and outside on ETS exhaust. Just need a good weather. Let me tell you guys, before I could here all the bits and pieces from the front, like intake, turbo spooling up and other mechanical things, now anything above 1k rpm, I cannot here nothing, just see people staring at me :D Before it was attention seeker, but now 100% of people are looking my way :D and poor neighbours
  2. Nobody's perfect, man ;)
  3. I'm not 100% sure, but I think she's a keeper :D
  4. I had one of the subcontractor supervisors tell my colleague pointing towards my car: "I thought only 25 year olds drive these cars". Funny enough the way tax and insurance system is set up in this country I don't blame anyone who don't go for Subarus, let alone young drivers. I'm 35 as far as I remember, by the way. Always wanted Subaru, and now have opportunity to afford one so I got it. Always have a plan and stick to it ;)
  5. My2017 has hijack system improved as it only engages when put in first gear and start moving. My dad's Skoda does even better only engages when start moving above 10 mph. Regarding central locking system Subaru assumed that everyone who is buying STI are single and drive alone... :D
  6. Nice summations :) Especially agree with motorway noise. Also, couple of weekends ago was doing ~140mph down in Mexico, for a short time, and was pleasantly surprised how stable and planted the car was. With my scirocco at 120-130mph the car would feel like about to fly. Not with STI. I guess the rear wing adds a lot of stability. (In any way I do not promote speeding, it just happened). Regarding seats: last thursday I hurt my back extremely bad, couldn't stand, sit or lie down without massive pain. Mornings were like torture chambers with 10 minute attempt to sit up in the bed and another 10 minutes to actually stand up. BUT after all the sufferings once I got into the car, got myself tight and snug into the seat all the pain would just go away, and after the journey I would feel much much better with possibility to move around like half healthy person. During weekend I was going to my car to either drive around or just sit in it, to keep the pain away. In longer journeys they never feel like they are bothering my body at all. Average MPG: 18.9 in the city :D The only reason I mention it, is because I was changing gauge cover and had to set everything on display again after reconnecting wires, and I saw 19.2MPG, and later that day on the way to car meet I was chasing my friends Glanza and in the car meet I was asked(jokingly) about MPG, I checked it again and it was 18.9. I just blamed it on Toyota :D But either way, well worth it ;) And steering rack - I am lost for words ;)
  7. Unfortunately, I hurt my back really bad, so nothing was done this weekend but I'm hopeful I will have a lot fitted soon. I already recorded stock exhaust cold start sound for comparisons with ETS.
  8. Swapped stock panel filter to Cosworth one. Now I can hear shallow woooosh sound above 3k rpm :D I need good weather to fit everything I have in. Wheel nuts were a bust, scratched straight away, and :D P.S. ;)
  9. Hey, since quite a few of you guys are not on facebooks and instagrams, I will post a link to the photos I took from recent meet. Unfortunately I did not get all of the attendees, but most of the cars have been photographed ;) https://flic.kr/s/aHskUqoXrr Enjoy, lots of awesome looking Scoobies :)
  10. No wheelnuts today, since I'm still waiting for painters tape for protection :D And we have abandoned car next to my drive way, which seems like it has been abandoned but its registered and has MOT and taxed till july :( So I can't park close to my house. But I managed to fix the belt cover :D
  11. Before: After: And my coworkers think I'm crazy: :D That's it for now. Tomorrow if weather is peachy, I will get that Perrin cover on and wheel nuts as well.
  12. Finally things are being delivered. Monday will receive my exhaust, panel filter, mudflaps, rain guards, etc. Until then: :D
  13. Remember those wheel nuts from Gorilla? Well: Couple of weeks of salty roads and they are gone. So instead got these bad boys:
  14. Few weekends back done some test photo shoot with my new camera: Those who are following me on instagram already seen them ;)
  15. How long does the process take? I mean from dipping to drying out, etc? The reason I ask is, if let's say I rip my interior apart, bring it to you and watch the magic happening, would I be able to drive back with finished product the same day? What are the color, pattern/choices? On the other hand, that's a fair distance from me to your area, don't think would make it in one day :)
  16. Yeah it looks bigger than it should be. I also removed that black strip which dealer stuck on, looks a bit smaller, but I am also looking into some more stylish plates as well. Bad thing is, dealer drilled the holes in the front bumper(plastic) and the back(metal) which infuriated me, since there was already pre made holes for plate coming from Subaru :(
  17. These are stock spoilers for this model year ;)
  18. Funny enough the reason I debadged mine besides the minimalistic look was that people are now even more mistified what car this is :D I swapped the star badge at the back and front to some more dark one, so stars are not visible that much, and without knowing what STI is, people have no clue what the car is :D And I love it. Breaking the neck big time :D
  19. I guess I never posted mine debadged. I apologise I will rectify this error as soon as I'm around my PC :)
  20. Yes, this is what is bothering me. That's the reason I don't buy a bike, as I know for the fact I would be crashed into several times at least. When I'm driving my attention is fully to the road and surroundings. The phone is tucked in my trouser pocket no distractions. And I'm even being overly cautious with whoever is behind me. Always making sure I am not doing anything sudden, always giving them time to react. And both accidents I had in UK was in stopped traffic at low speeds and both said that accelerator jammed. I did believe that when I was hit my Prius, but Scirocco excuse does not fly. His foot probably slipped from clutch or something. But these days you have more chance being hit by others than you hitting someone. And for some reason we, Impreza drivers, are being called immature yobs. Taking about the cracked paint I will talk to my dealer to see what he has to say and if it comes to changing back bumper I have no issues, as it is not that expensive. On the other note: booked hotel in Portsmouth for festival of speed. Epic prices and epic fail from my part to being late on booking hotel for festival half a year in advance :D I cried inside a bit paying double the price for a room :D
  21. Ah, that makes more sense, since Subaru does suggest one year or 10k miles whichever is sooner ;)
  22. So it did not take long. :( Some young lad in MK1 Scirocco probably was trying to show off or something. Speed wasn't great and his car is light. Anyone know how to fix that clear coat crack in the second photo? :) Just zoom in for better quality. The first photo scratches I have no issues, I will sort it out myself, but the second one bothers me. But on the side note: FFS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. Nice :) Might have a minimeet while we are there :D
  24. Summer holiday sorted :D Anyone else going there this summer? :) I just need to persuade my dealer to let my car inside :D They had a 'stand' last year :)
  25. It might be personal preference ;) Besides if you are hooning your Subaru, its better to change oil more frequently than suggested by manual. Remember, manual suggestions are for normal driving in typical conditions. Easiest way to check if you actually need oil change more frequently than not is once change it let's say 6 months after last change and see what condition/color oil is coming out, if its all black with bits, then your driving style/car wants and oil change more frequently than manual suggests ;) P.S. this is my own personal opinion and it is not based on any long term experience with Subarus :P :D
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