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Aberdeen Chris

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    XV 2.0d SE Premium, Legacy 2.5 GX

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  1. That may be a good solution for the alu looking paint on the door cards ect. The paint has worn off parts of mine and it doesn't look very nice. My 2.0D has broken a cast part of the exhaust 😱 I'm waiting to hear back from the main dealer if they will fix it under warranty as it's a cast piece that failed. I am 4 days out of the three year nose to tail warranty... has anybody had this happen to their Diesal XV ???
  2. It's an odd onw, to check rhe oil in the xv d. Have to run engine, then turn off and is it 5 mins to wait then check the oil. Mine still gets an anual It's an odd One, to check the oil in the xv d. Have to run engine, then turn off and leave it 5 mins to check the oil. Mine still gets an annual service by dealer, but i change the Oil and filter in between and so its every 6 months. The car I traded in was 20 years old and I do hope to have my diesel XV for as long at least, with luck. Since they’ve stopped making them and i am always towing stuff. Do you reset the oil dilution ecu setting every time too ?
  3. I got these, negotiated when buying the car. After a couple of years use and offer windows fully open, they have not even sagged. They keep besties oot too.
  4. Lol, Maybe. Although the airflow to the intercooler may not be as good with the mesh grill, and if the bonnet has the scoop does have the open airflow, I wonder how that would integrate with the ducting already in place under the bonnet. However the XV's bonnet is heavier than on any of my previous subaru, which may have been made not from steel... Also I think it is quite a structural component in the event of a frontal impact, so an alternative one may not have the same strength... But a scoop does suit the car 😁
  5. And bonnet to match . I'm sure we could have much fun with the XV. I was even thinking a water spray on the turbo intercooler like the old sti/wrx had would cool the air more and increase its mass, thus could be a fun hidden mod too...
  6. Yes it does look better without so much chrome, I agree. Maybe I will do something with that, but it's a couple of weeks since I fixed the paint chips, so Scoob will meet the rupes big foot polisher now the paint will have hardened enough first. There is a grill which is all black, and quite sporty looking
  7. Thanks, I did need to shave a little off the bolt thread just above the headlamps, to give more clearance on closing the bonnet, and adjust the rubber stops so the bolt could not make contact with the top of the headlamps. Other than that a very easy fit. But with a proper subaru decal, better that a nasty gold logo it came with, couple of quid from eBay. All in I think it gives it a little more subaru attitude 🐾
  8. Seems to be helping so far, and we've def less bug splats!
  9. Hey Dogconker, Does your front bug deflector work? Does it reduce stone chips, and did it affect insurance. I was overtaken on a freshly re-surfaced road, and took several hits to window, bonnet, side door 😭 Got a fine line painting pen and have 2k Urethane paint, so will be repairing all the chips. Also bought the deflector and am hoping it helps... I did chase down the other driver at lights, but think I may have scared them a little, and the Police were not interested in someone doing sixty on a 20mph zone marked, and overtaking. Don't want to go through insurance as it will cost me even if I could prove other driver at fault. But I'm hoping the deflector actually helps, because this paint chips way too easy.
  10. Wow, but why not... I got a shock last week when I found out they're stopping making diesels. Which is such a shame because I think they're awesome and the euro 6 really very clean 😭
  11. "but it knocked like mad as I pulled into Gloucester Services with caravan in tow, after tgat it was fine again." did they actually replace any if the injectors? or did they just do a re-set of the ecu. I do hope your not put off taking the van for more adventures, and AC is very helpful when it works; even in winter to defrost faster. hopefully they will top you up at cost non profit.. I'm going to take my van deep into the woods soon, so the motor mover will be getting a good work out to save the clutch. on my legacy I had duel range gears which really helped with slow manoeuvres, the XV first gear needs to much speed for this, thus the mover which is very slow but has awesome torque is very useful. so what's the next destination, Scotland ?
  12. Lol, I was driving back from the woods yesterday and in Echt, a tiny village, a 4wd in a line of parked cars suddenly pulled out facing me without any indication. I was cruising along window down, one hand on the wheel and tired after ten hours working in my woodland doing 34. My hand flicked the wheel instinctively and the XV moved out so quickly and responsibly that I'm not sure which gave me the biggest surprise. I don't drive quickly these days, but I have not driven another car that wouldn't have taken to long to have responded and avoided a head on overlap accident in this scenario. The XV is awesome 😏
  13. I'm showing my age, but I remember when a Rover was a good car. Like the 2200tc with the spare on the boot. But that was a very long time ago... Hope yours gets a new lease of life with a new set of injectors 😁
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