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Far Cry 4


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Cant wait for far cry 4, its gonna be the balls. Admittedly, im going to wait till its been out for at least 6-12months and pick it up in the steam sales. Over the last few years, the majoirty of PC games have been released half baked and unfinished, so I don't preorder anymore. Been stung too many times.

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GTA5 and farcry I must admit I'm going to struggle with but will have both in my hands just not sure what I go for first think it will be farcry though. And new star wars movie I really can't wait. I just hope now lucas has moved on from it with his bad last 3 instalments it can get back to how good his 1st 3 was.

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So far I think Farcry 3 has been the best out of them all and the story was pretty good with some amazing graphics. I couldn't stop playing it think I completed in a few days but enjoyed it enough to replay it to see what the other ending was. I mean lets face it I wasn't happy to finally bone that hot chick and see her !Removed! to get stabbed the ****** :D

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Loved far cry 3, watch a live stream of far cry 4 and it looks awesome, I mean you can just smack an elephant in the !Removed! and then stand back and watch the carnage, looks hilarious

Oh and for gambit I've already seen a clip with titties in it

Sent from my iphone using Tapatalk

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completed the ubisoft rials of Khyrat thingy.


not much to win really, complete all 4 and you can get 5% off the game through Ubisoft, but Game do an upgrade to the special edition from the limited (or something) so that's probably better.


rest seems to be wallpapers and avatar clothing for the Ubisoft pages.


did get this full map though which you can pinch off here for yourselves, might be handy when looking for animals as you probably will be at some point


enjoy, if anyone else gets anything good let us know






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Well as I type I'm uninstalling alien and how I managed to complete it is a miracle. Yes you heard right I completed it just now and I wasn't as close to the end as I thought. And my final review on the game is it's still ****. I'd rather play through the evil within again :D 

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Well I have a copy of Far Cry 4 now on the PC but I'm not going to play it I will wait for the Xbox version now as tempting as it is :D 

And with Alien some nice parts in the game but very frustrating even with a guide I was getting lost and running around with no real clue as to what I was doing. The fear factor of the alien became next to nothing after a while and as for it jumping out the sealing at you and killing you was good for the frst few times then just added to the frustration. :(  

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Graphics ars amazing the back drop really is stunning. Having like a fps drop issue though thats ruining the full enjoyment. But already I can tell this games pretty epic. I actually like the bad guy too hes funny.


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