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I finally picked up my 2015 STi last Saturday, here's a good excuse to post a pic...





So six days and 490 miles in, my local dealer phones me today and says that Subaru are now offering a 40bhp upgrade for the STi! The car has to go into the dealer, they remove the ECU and sent it away for a re-flash. The power upgrade leaves the warranty intact too. Great news, in my opinion, as I had already mentioned that I was looking at upgrades. However - the upgrade costs £1600. EDIT: Turns out this upgrade isn't being offered for the 2015 STi - It's for the previous generation STi. They missed that boat, I think!


Now, for just a re-flash it seems very expensive. I'm wondering if there may be more to it than that - i.e. a new fuel pump and/or breathing mods. Has anyone else heard of this, and do you have any more details?


I was planning on fitting an equal length manifold, cold air intake and then an independent remap. This would probably come out at a similar price but void the warranty.


It would be great if the engine can get a 40bhp gain even before touching the exhaust!

Starting to tear apart the sofa now to see if I can find some pennies in it!

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Hi mate sorry i can't help on the details but very interested to here more about this proposed 40 bhp upgrade I want I want


Was tempted by black but decided mine had to be WR Mica Blue! not seen anything online or from dealer on upgrades but would be interested to hear more although the missus might whinge lol


My dealer is Brookside Garage on Anglesey. From what he said on the phone, it was just a matter of sending the ECU away. I'll pop over tomorrow to see if he's around to provide more details.


I think you already have equal length headers on your motor as standard - from 2007 (sharkeye) onwards I believe they had them on from factory


There aren't equal length headers on these - otherwise you wouldn't have the subaru trademark flat four noise. The ELH sounds boring but is good for power.


I would think the fuel pump would be fine if its a new car.subaru wouldn't put a pump in if it couldn't handle a bit more power.40bhp is hardly a massive difference but noticeable.What bhp are these from Factory


I think these are quoted as 305PS, so probably a little under 295bhp. A higher pressure fuel pump could be fitted to bring down the injector duty cycle. The standard pump could probably cope, but the injectors would be closer to their max duty. A fuel pump is much cheaper than injectors.


Our cousins over the pond are upgrading injectors at approx 380bhp but normally the modification 'roadmap' doesn't involve remap first (intake> exhaust> remap> fuel pump> injectors> another remap).

Didn't get to the dealer today, will give them a phone call tomorrow.


To be fair 300bhp is rapid anyway.i think duty cycle will be at 75% from factory so you would get away with it anyway.

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