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Saturday the 24th
Millstone Inn, Sheffield Road,
Hathersage, Derbyshire
S32 1DA



Weather Permitting


For convoys from Sheffield we can meet at Handworth Lidl , name for convoy below

  • Ash

Sweet. I often stop there when going for a drive round there for a quick drink and to let the brakes cool. Nice place :)

I'll join the convoy. Time we meeting at Lidl?


Bit early will it be open, (thinking of nick) [emoji12] I'll be leaving leeds about ten so should be there just after 11


erm can call it half 1040 then :) shouldnt take us too long, to get there, you got anyone else coming stant ?


Nah mate lone wolf ! I have had a word with a couple of people but they haven't even joined up here yet


ah well looks like the 4 of us then NAAAH mind, mine hasnt been washed in ages. used it 4 times since Santa Pod :unsure:


Washed mine today. 500 miles worth of salt snow and grime, though you lot would dissown me. Tom's coming down isn't he ?


Great day was had! Had a good drive and good food :) Apologies again to Ash, Tom and Stants for being late. Especially Tom and Stants who were stood out in cold on hills for 30 mins waiting!

Couple of pics.




Washed car as soon as I got home as it was basically white from the salt. Nice and shiny again now :)

Had a bit of a scare on the way home too, after going round a corner and accelerating hard she cut out... Expect it was a fuel cut as it'd reached just under a quarter on the fuel gauge. I remember reading this could happen when buying but had forgotten as I normally never let it drop that low. Gave it some hard acceleration on the straight areas on the way home and it was ok so hoping that's all it is. Filled her up before heading home and will test again next time I go out for a drive.

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Very arty shots mate ! Glad the random cut out was nothing to worry about. Did you catch up with ash ?


Haha cheers! Stroke of luck with the poor light capture on my iphone camera :)

Hopefully not mate. Like I say, I'll test it next time im out but I'm pretty sure that's all it is since it's fine under hard acceleration any other time and that is a known issue with them. I'd just forgotten at that time.

No, did stop for a short while after the cut though and he's not exactly slow lol. Guessing he'll have made it to a petrol station before he ran out since I didn't see him stranded at any point on the way back :)

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