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Kent-SOC Monthly meet 6th June 7pm

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Monthly meet time again![emoji2] Spectacular meet last month with thanks to kentimpreza. Let's hope to make this one even better. I couldn't believe my eyes when we rolled in to the wharf. Still puts a huge smile on my face.

The pub hosts a full bar and restaurant that serves hot and cold food with a good reputation for a nice dinner. Plenty of seating so feel free to bring along the family. There is a children's play area just outside too.

Along with the rules the pub has given us I'd like to add a couple more.

1. Keep the car park tidy
2. Use the pubs facilities
3. No loud revving of engines inside the car park
4. No idiotic behaviour

I'm sure we all know the basics and I'm sure we will adhere to them. Remember we want to keep this meet going for a long time.

This month's meet is going to be held at 7:00pm. There are two convoys with one running from Medway tunnel and the other travelling from McDonald's in plumstead.

I'm hoping to have another outstanding meet with a couple of new faces set to arrive and familiar faces reinforcing the ranks I'm sure I won't be disappointed.

The Wharf
Cotton Lake
Galleon Blvd

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Ghost I'll just point out Steve will only put them on facebook if it has a picture :) so if you can add a picky I'll see if we can get it on in time :)

Thank you Gambit. The issue was I've swapped phones a few times in recent weeks so haven't had any pics. I'll get one added [emoji4] [emoji106]
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You got my email ? Send one over I'll add it on Photobucket and post it on the main post for ya. Then should be able to use it again by using the image url. Mind you I could use an old one if you prefer or was using last month pictures ? 

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