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UK waterpark orders visitors to wear 'Islamically appropriate' clothes

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Ridiculous this is, if they ordered them to NOT ware religious clothes for a day there would be uproar!


That's probably true.

It's a session just for women, why should non Muslim women have to wear appropriate clothing?

Will there be a woman's session with Christian appropriate clothing only?

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For a one night, out of hours, special event? 


Come on chaps, you're better than that. Aren't you? 


I mean, if they removed the requirement for not practically naked and just made it


"Womens night"




"Private Party"




Would you be writing this thread? 


Would you be happier if they had on, the next evening 


"Men's nights, swimwear strictly optional, and by optional we mean dongs out fellas, oh and the rather than putting up blinds we'll be putting up a live feed to the ad screens in the local area" 


Nope. Thought not. 


(White, middle class, antitheist btw) 


Don't let me stop you getting your UKIP/Britain First pitchforks out though. 


Seems to me the park have this all !Removed! about face. The only issue I have is the fact that the covering of the female body in Islam is to save modesty in front of men. The fact that no men are allowed should enable Muslim women to forego covering up.

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There's a proper name for it which escapes me at the moment (I want to say forujihim - modesty or awrah - nudity), but in short modesty/nudity is pretty much a no-no outside of the confines of the marital bed and strictly speaking there should be a 'veil of darkness' i.e. its not unIslamic to be naked with your partner, so long as the lights are off, and even then pretty much purely for the act of procreation, not recreational fun times, which leads to impure thoughts - i.e. potentially adds one in there for the !Removed! bank. 


Anyway, being in a public place, even if it is with only other women in your skivvies is a direct contravention mentioned in a few hadiths. 


Sorry to be a bit vague, its a bit early. 


As I understand Kitab Al-Hammam covers its (sic) quite nicely. It specifically refers to hot baths (hammam) but is broadly what would cover a swimming pool. 


Hey no problems. Glad to be able to help a little.

I just dislike sensationalist media and if i can use what little i do know about religions and cultures to give others more insight into how others live then it's a positive thing.

I'll still be enjoying my bacon buttie tomorrow and a pont tomorrow night when Ramadan has started! I'll just understand that the chaps who are looking a bit pasty and slow the next few weeks are fasting and for why etc. (Also the parties are awesome so it really pays to get invited to an Eid do!)





That was kind of a small minded thing to say, you judge me without even knowing me! 


What I was annoyed with is the fact that is "positive discrimination", which I really hate! 


If everything is supposed to be equal regardless of religion / colour / race then this positive discrimination sh*t should happen! 


Not at all. Certainly not my intention and certainly no judgement. On my part just a request to research before rage.

I just took what i read on face value and what i read was that there are a bunch of folk in uproar as something something Muslims.

There is no positive discrimination here just a one off night, out of good where Muslim women can enjoy waterworld along with other women of other faiths without being haram.

But please don't let a bit of open-minded inclusive acceptance get in the way of a good bit of pitchfork action.

Just saying....


Just to add that if you look at it another way...

Sometimes we get to use a car park or field to make some noise and ***** about, right?

We get to do this to the exclusion of Doris in her Micra unless she wants to whip out her ICE and get her shirt off to drop, signifying the stay of a drag race... (if we lived in f&f world obvs)

We get coverage in newspapers for being boy racers/street racers/joyriders....

With me so far?

So you get good and !Removed! off because all toy wanted to do was show up. Have a chat With your mates and enjoy the evening, perhaps enjoy a coffee and glance at a couple of cars parked up as well because you know you wanted to do something perfectly legit....

Now.imagine yourself a member of a minority group who instead of wanting to park and chat without disapproving doris wagging a finger, wants to play on a water slide and a wave pool without fear of your God smiting you....


I'm not racist and have nothing against other religions for what they believe in


it's advertised as a 'female only night', but then any female that goes has got to wear appropriate swimwear. what about short, fat, Christian Doris? she want's to go to the female only night in a normal costume (she isn't confident enough to wear it near men in case they laugh at her, so she normally covers up)?


Genuine question - if Muslim females have to cover up in the water park on female only nights, why can't they just go on a normal session?


will there be Christian/Buddhist/Hindu/Jainism/Shinto/Sikhism/Rastafarian/Paganism nights as well, clothing to be appropriate to each religion?

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Posted (edited)

book 'em up and see, I'll go to your humanist/antitheist night - tell me what the dress code is, if I don't like it, I'll pass. No harm done. I don't work for waterworld, hell I've only ever been twice nearly 2 decades ago. 


I'm not pointing any fingers or calling anyone anything, just a regular guy getting fed up with all the anti this anti that especially in the sensationalist nazipapers, why should x y z get treated any different. 


If doris wants ladies night for shy ladies, why not? 


All I'm saying is would this have made the forum, the news or even raised an eyebrow if say they had reserved a night for clown night, big shoes and red noses only? 


Its all too often that a very conservative, moderate religion/culture is bad mouthed and cast out because of the title. 


If you can honestly, hand on heart, say that you'd be angry if the hatepaper had printed Coco and Crusty in Shock Waterworld Night closure - everyone welcome so long as they wear big shoes and a red nose, then fair play. 


Not even joking. 


Red noses. Big shoes. Unicycles. Clowns. One night only. 


Ladies. Muslims. Considerate outerwear. One night only. 


How about


Furries. Animal costumes only. Gender neutral. One night only. 


Druids. Sickles. Gowns. Stereotypes. One night only. 


Blackadder night. Comedy fake !Removed!  (seriously you can't say mammaries in the common form associated with say feeding, or cancer, wow - you can tell I'm new to this forum). Women called Bob only. One night only. 


Exactly. The. Same. 


Which ones **** you off? 


Edit again: For your genuine question. I genuinely don't know. I've got a working knowledge of the religion. However. I had a google and came up immediately with this link. http://islamqa.info/en/159926 Its an interesting read. so I implore you to read up fully. I use the site a lot to assist in my own enlightenment. 


In short, No. Strictly speaking even a women only night for muslim women, by muslim women in female only muslim compound, using a communal pool is forbidden. Strictly speaking any muslim woman who attends this event will be burning in Jahannam (hell)

Edited by themanwithnoname

Not religious either never will be. For me it's nothing more than media propaganda to stir sh@t and stop the bigger questions being asked. NHS, Education, Pensions list goes on. But bombarded the masses with hate and spite to keep our minds busy worrying about stuff like this that doesn't really matter. IMHO :D 

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Each to their own Imo

Religion is a touchy subject at the best of times after all most wars or conflict has been caused by the differences in it . I grew up in a rough part of the East end and was a white minority at school so had numerous friends of all colours and creeds .

I voted ukip not because I'm a racist or because of their quality policies but because I wanted the main parties to hear that I wanted the UK to take control and stop being controlled.

Only thing I've not liked about this discussion is "pitch fork Britain" as the working class wages /opportunities are being suppressed by cheap foreign labour (over immigration)

middle class people can't see it and think it's good getting their manual labour jobs done cheaper rather than paying tradesmen a decent wage

And my nan was called Doris and used to love a blast in my Renault 5 gt turbo with the tunes blaring [emoji4]

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No one has mentioned immigration, cheap labour or anything like that chap? This is entirely a media fuss/religious debate.


Only reason I mentioned the pitchforks is because typically your average conversation about Islam on the internet will bring out the misguided politics of those groups, who ignore the main issue and blame immigration and the middle classes. (<---there is the bait) 


(My plumber/gas guy is Manchester born and bred, my gardener is Derbyshire born and bred, my sparky is Manc as well, everything else I do myself by the way. If someone could do the job better, I'd pay them whatever they were asking) 


(White, middle class, antitheist btw)

Don't let me stop you getting your UKIP/Britain First pitchforks out though.

Just had a few political debates with friends and family lately over immigration and the class divide that seems to cause a difference of opinion.

I agree with most (if not all) of what you said about discrimination and the use of media as a propaganda tool [emoji106]

growing up with Muslims ,Hindus, Jamaicans, Africans ,Chinese ect has taught me there's good and bad in all races, that's where I discriminate as to who keep my company with.

We're a open and friendly forum fella it's not always about cars and I like to hear other people's opinions ,some might change my view's and some I chose to ignore .

Anyways I'll get down off my of topic political soap box and get on with my plastering before some eastern European Hindu undercuts me on the job I've got to price up later [emoji4]

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Haha excellent.

I also totally get that I've ruthlessly thread jacked this one.

Love that it's Not always about the cars, hate that within a few weeks of joining there is a socio political hot topic that I've been cross enough about to post on.

All's fair though on the internet.

Plastering you say? I don't suppose you do work up in the grim north do you?


I don't often get involved in racial or political debates online to be honest as it's easy to offend unintentionally in text without knowing. It was probably only the recent family political debates ashes reigniting that made me post ,I haven't even clicked the link and read the article .

Well that's my excuse for straying off topic, not that you need a excuse on this forum full of tangents.

I'm now away from the rat race and living near the sunny Suffolk coast ,unfortunately just south of Norwich is about as far north I'll work .

Because up north it gets colder plus I've been told they use beer and crops as currency [emoji39]

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Dammit. Our secret is out.

That said I've heard they tried using the same currency in the south, but it didn't amount to much as the beer wasn't much to write home about. Up here we call it small change or 's*x in a canoe' ('king close to water) ;)

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Because up north it gets colder plus I've been told they use beer and crops as currency [emoji39]



Funny that about 9 years ago I once did a job for a gentleman who ran a corner shop. He wanted me to fix 5 plug sockets in the flat above. Thats fine he was my local shop so knew him pretty well. I went and bought all the backboxes and facias and sorted all the plugs out for him as they was really dangerous and he had small kids under 5. And no word of a lie as I was leaving thing ok I'll have to drop a bill off he offered me a packet of 10 cigarettes for doing it  :lol: I made sure I got a price in first when I had to sort the pump out on his boiler  :D

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I skimmed a room out for a farmer lovely old boy ,strong as a ox with hands like shovels . He had worked on his family farm since he was a teenager .

Gave him a price and he agreed halfway through the day he says

"I got a farrrm shop do you want sum meet boi"

Hmmn steak for tea me thinks "lovely thanks"

He turned up with 2 fooking great sacks of farm made sausages, burgers ,steaks and beef joints, there was so much meat I couldn't carry both at once back to the van at once

"Dere u go boi I've put a extra £ 50's worth in dere to make it up ta quarter cow ,cos you done good "

Had some awesome bbq's that summer but told him I preferred proppa money for the next room I did. as it confused my accountant when it come to tax return time

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I feel left out now. No one has ever paid me in cow or anything equal tasty. Other than mates rate jobs where I've been paid in beer and pizza.

I need more rural work clearly.

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