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climate control 2005 2.0 X


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noticed the other day my climate control had gone off completely.

no heated rear screen no air con no fan

couple of minutes later it all came back on 


did it again next day but took about 15 minutes before it came on 

today drove 50 miles with windows down and roof open to keep the hounds cool, pulled in to the street and it came on, turned the car off then back on and noting working again


anything obvious to check/replace please?

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 a sticky relay might be the issue  :huh:


find the right relay, switch on the climate control, if not working knock on the relay to see if it clicks in.


if helper as to switch it on / off so you can check (click sound) if the relay works

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took dash console out and checked they were connected fully to back of controls - all ok

fuses are definitely all ok 

the relay for a/c is in the engine bay box and have removed and put back - still nothing

when i turn the temp up to full or cold after a few seconds there's a click and the engine idle drops then it clicks again and engine picks up as if it trying but failing

going to have to be an auto electrician job i think

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Clicking you here is probably the elec-clutch on the compressor.

if whole functions are dead it likely power supply/relay or the the console controls as being electronic they can play up as you describe & I have replaced a couple before due to full failure.

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  • 2 weeks later...

quick update - auto electrician checked this over for me last week. took a while but in the end he reckons its the control panel as all the wiring checks out ok.

is this likely to be the case? 

common fault?


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final update for anyone else that experiences this issue

the root of the problem is the circuit board behind the control dials.

Straightforward unscrewing and unclipping the centre panel with vents and drink holder, disconnnect the plugs for hazard lights and the two plugs for heater controls, then four screws to remove the heater control box. finally little screws to remove the cover and get to the circuit board

there are three little blue covers on this board and the fault with mine was that two of them had come loose allowing a tiny little very fragile circular circuit that fits over a small lug on each of the dials to come off and not be in contact with the main circuit board - hence no air con or fan

After changing to a replacement control box a similar issue happened so today I've stripped it all down and put a small drop of superglue on each of these little covers to hold the circular things in place - be careful not to stick these too as they need to rotate!

all is working again just fine

hope this helps

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