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Just found this:




As it covers many cars should mean i dont need to buy one each time I change my car??


Does anyone have experience of this?  Not after an all singing dancing one as im not a professional mechanic. But a good DIY one is desired.




What kind of phone fo you have ?

You can get dongles that connect to your phone for a fiver that will do a good job, alternatively you could look at downloading a free copy of the subaru select monitor 2 that will require a laptop to run but it's specific to subaru and will do a lot more than the generic ones above


Hi I have an iphone 5.


What will in need to make monitor 2 run on my laptop?  I have windows 10.


Thanks for your help!!


It should run ok it does on win 7

I'm in the mode of a field at the mo but if you do a search from ssm2 there's a good thread on subaru forester.Org about it and what you need, I'll post up links later.

As for dongle for iphone I think you need a wifi one, have a look in the app store for odb2 app


Thanks i will have a look!


If you could post later too that would be awesome, I have no understanding of these systems and get the feeling I could spend lots and have a system that doesnt work.


Thanks for the responses.


I managed to get a VAG cable a mate had one lying around. The freessm program worked with out an issue and cable was installed on windows 10 with out a CD.


However it only seams to bring up engine and transmission codes?  Is this its limitation?  I already have an OBD2 code reader and was after something which can interogate the airbag, abs, and other systems.  


Am I doing something wrong or does this program not support those systems?




I've no idea as not got ssm2 on mine (pre2000)

However I'm sure you can do just about anything with it as it's pretty much what the dealers use


Cant get the FreeSSM to do more than just engine codes although slightly more indepth than my standard OBD2.


I found this on the internet.  Has anyone used these recommend or not?


subaru specific




Multi car




As i rarely (never) keep the same model of care when i change I think the multi car would be of more value but the subaru reads like it does more?


Any advice is appreciated :)


Oh they are a bit pricey, depends if you think you'd need it ?

Have you managed to clear the fault and it comes back ?

Maybe worth a trip up to scooby clinic up chesterfield way to see if they can chase the airbag ? Fault. Would be a bit cheaper than 200 quid


Yeah a one off would be cheaper.  But if I buy the tool I hope it will save in the long run, if i buy the multi car then its a tool for life. I am starting to see these diagnostic readers as essentaial as a socket set for the tool box.


Should have explained my issue is the HID self leveling lights.  I have a warning light illuminated (obviously lol or I wouldn't need the tool). Looked under the car and the front bracket was broken,  the light used to be intermittent now is on all the time?  Wanted to see what the issue is.  Don't want to fork out £120+ for a new switch unit when I can make a new bracket for pennies.


test the level switch with a multimeter, Check connectors on sensors & feed voltage/earth then find the signal wire & check the voltage reading varies as arm of sensor moved., if it reads ok you can fix bracket,

clear fault/recalibrate level if needed & all should be good.

Diagnostic not going be huge amount of help over a good multimeter on this.

Manuals should be found at link below which may help as have details on the HID procedures.


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