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Subaru Legacy Service, Engine Oil Overfill


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Looking for a bit of advice, just had my Legacy Sports Tourer diesel serviced by Subaru Dealer. When I checked my oil the next morning before starting the engine the oil was about 25mm above the top mark. I phoned the dealer, took the car back and the mechanic showed me that the oil filter sits on the top of the engine and drains back into the engine overnight, which kind of makes sense and after the engine has been started the oil level sits at the top mark. I am still a bit concerned about this as even in a non boxer engine with the oil filter sitting further down you always check the oil before the engine is started and never fill above the top mark and if you check the engine after the level always showed lower and was always under the impression that too much oil can over pressure and burst oil seals.

Are there any Subaru mechanics out there who can give me advise on this,

Thanks in advanse,


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Thanks for your reply, you are saying the same as me, it should be on the top mark from cold. I had the same bother with my last car Toyota Auris SR Diesel, was overfilled about the same amount, first year I took it back, they took oil out no problem, the next year the young mechanic told me it was correct. I am beginning to wonder if dealers are doing this intentional, hoping no one checks and oil overpressures

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