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No turning like GT or Forza but it is a good racing sim. Just didn't last long enough to keep me coming back to play it sadly.


Get a reloaded copy off the net. But if you don't have a wheel it's not that great IMHO with the controller.


I need to get some ps4 friends who want to race, hard work playing against people who want to play bumper cars and cheat. Have you got steering wheel set ups? I just realised theres is already a thread for project cars


I did have the g27 wheel for the pc great wheel. But sold that to get one that compatible with xbox one and pc. But cost is nearly 500 quid. To get a similar set up. So getting it built up in pats lol. Much better with the wheel though.

I know what you mean I stopped playing online mainly for that reason and stuck to just playing with friends. Only game I have on the ps4 at the minute is the last of us.


I dont mind that wheel, i use it at some sim racing place in Milton Keynes. I have a t300rs, just need proper pedals, mine suck! Its so frustrating, i wouldn't say i take it to seriously but its frustrating to say the least


Best wheel out I think but just not compatible with console was my only problem with it. So thrustmaster wheel I've seen next I'll get, price grieves me a bit for something I haven't used yet lol.

We used to do a forza league on here but seems most of the players have left the forum now. Same with a top gear test track leader board for the xbox one was about as competitive as I got lol. But we all raced fair so it was good fun.


Yea that is an issue, i sort of want to go to pc so i can play with mates but its money i would rather waste on my car. I wish pro cars worked across all platforms.

Im not very fast so fair racing is good enough for me, even if i am at the back! My wheel was 300 squids, not cheap. Then my seat set up was 250, i cant not have it though so i was willing to shed my hard earned pennies lol

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That's it you just want to have a good race without worrying some smack tards going to punt you off. Especially if damage is on. Full race destroyed lol. I've always had consoles and pc so not to bad for me but not gone for top spec pc now as like you have said cost is madness to compete with the changing of graphics cards. Tidgy and sandals will tell you they're both on 980 cards. For me I'm like you car has to have a bit on it too lol.


I dunno if I've still got project cars but tbh I doubt I'll be playing it for a while due to currently running around like a headless chicken on cod and eyeing up fallout 4 for xmas


Same **** this morning, people ramming each other. Theres me trying to get out the way and avoid accidents, losing interest quickly. A decent pc for gaming is a shed load, at least 600 squids? I went off cod years ago, and i am considering fallout after my holiday. And the wrc game, anyone played that?


Yeah cods not my favourite fps anymore (bf4 is far better) . the "quickscopeing" kids do my nut in on cod but I've bought this one mainly for the zombies.

Imo project cars is the best driving sim available on the ps4 although it is a bit twitchy when just using the controller.

I will get wrc as I need a bit of rallying in my life and there's nothing else for ps4 in that genre atm .


I used to be one of those kids years ago haha i went to hardcore as i prefered the way games ran through. Also shooting someone a hundred times and them not dying did my head in.

I miss zombies, i stopped playing after world at war, der riese, i loved it to much. Agreed, rally games are to much fun, Christmas present to myself me thinks. But i want star wars as well! Maybe 2 presents wouldn't hurt


Same with me used to only play hardcore mode on cod. I do the same for BF I agree BF best fps game now. I used to play cod on pc in league's then joined this group that used to do 64 man server's for bf2 on pc. Was ran like a proper army doing battles on a Saturday could last hour's. I used the fly the choppers then as they're hard to fly back then. And yes I rocked at that game lol. :)

After playing dirt rally wrc 5 sucks badly. I've not played it for ages not even done the first season :( but as you say only game on ps4 so better than nothing. Star wars is a must for me but still undecided what platform pc is in the lead at the minute. As for cost you could get started in pc gaming with 600. But I know people that will spend that just on a graphics card.


Unfortunately I don't know enough about pc gaming or can I afford "another expensive hobby" (apparently )

I will get star wars eventually but I still haven't finished metal gear phantom pain (which I was enjoying offline ) .

Mind you with fallout, wrc , a turbo and fuel rails stuffed in my stocking already I think I'd better start buying stuff for the Mrs n kids soon [emoji39]

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Pc gaming is to much money for me, i like the price and simplicity of consoles. Im so excited for the film, im hoping it comes out in the usa whilst im there, see it early :) when i have spare cash im all over the game!!

Hardcore was definitely the way to play. I couldn't fly anything on bf when i played it. Its hard to transition from cod to bf, everything seemed to happen to slow for my liking.

I may wait until its cheap, rally games are great fun i wish they made more.

I have never played metal gear solid, maybe one day.

I have no mrs or kids to worry about, all my money can go on my car haha i should probably move out soon :/

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Yep the movie has my nerd right on it can't wait. I hope it's better than the last 3 lucas made lol.

I'd like to think I was the world's best in bf2 in the choppers not many if any could beat me. Got kicked many times for hacking not that I've done that on a public server. And to be fair I would never made global conflicts if I had. I played cod until modern warfare 2 then it lost me. I still want a ww2 remake though think companies missing out on that.

And woman and kids.... all I can say they all cost. But unlike the government I get to !Removed! the missus back lol. I'm not like Jimmy Savile kids don't do much for me haha.


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Im just excited for another star wars! Global conflicts? Hacking eh, i always wondered how to hack stuff. Mw2 was dam good, i miss the old cod, everyone has hacked them these days so its impossible to play. Destiny and pro cars seems to be all i play these days.

Haha i just get !Removed! by the taxman, he doesn't even take me to dinner before.


Global conflicts is a battlefield games but organised in to army style ranks like air force that I was in with the choppers. Then you have s.a.s team of 5 the infantry. Then tank crews and so on. It's all ranked like the army. It was crazy I was nearly always top with kills. One of the few things I wished I'd recorded lol. If you was a hacker though you'd get banned it's not tolerated at all.

Many ways of hacking I've never done it on multiplayer games I don't agree with unfair play. I did how ever hack wow. World of warcraft so it would run around killing stuff when I wasn't at the keyboard. Used to sell the accounts on when maxed level.


Thats some serious warfare. I like the idea of having so many people in one fight, just couldn't get on with battlefield.

How do you get away with hacking that? I would have thought they would be trying pretty hard to stop that stuff happening


I'm not sure with the new one but there will be away. I'm on about the pc though. Xbox one and ps4 use their own server's so almost impossible to hack and get away with it.

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