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Opend car as usual !Removed! around with it then when i came to lock it .... nothing

Car wont lock or start

Battrey in the key has been crap for a while and it must of gone

Been and got a new one and it still isnt doing anything.

Is there reprograming of the key needed?




Ive just noticed the radio doent work now eother or interior lights ect could the battrey be flat even of the dash lights still come on?


As it happens i searched high and low

Read every manual online

Checked every connection

Tested the Battery

Took the door cards back off as id had them off to measure speaker







Turns out id blown a fuse hahahaha

Sometimes the most obvious things are the last to be checked



Good job im not a mechanic customer would get a bill for 79 hours labour for a blown fuse lol


I am a mechanic and I have been there, on more than one occasion admittedly 🙈

Sent from my HTC One M9 using Tapatalk


Lol any jobs going il fit strait in


Haha I work on green kit so none of this electrical flyby wire canbus stuff here lol

Sent from my HTC One M9 using Tapatalk


Am i to assume u chew corn and plow fields?

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