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Ignition won't fire if doors have been unlocked for more than ~a minute?


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Obligatory new here so apologies if this is in wrong area, had a look and couldn't see a specific technical help section?

Car is a 2006 Legacy 3.0 spec B, I've had it a few months but didn't come with a manual so had to figure things out for myself.  One of it's quirks is that if the doors have been unlocked for more than about a minute, the car won't start, so I have to use the keyfob to lock then unlock before the engine will fire up.  Not sure if it's supposed to be a security feature, and it's not a huge issue but is mildly annoying so I was wondering if it's a setting that can be altered?  Have tried googling without much luck, so wondered if it anyone might be able to help please?

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My 05 forester does this. Did my head in at first, then i Discovered that when you turn the key in the ignition, stop when the dash lights come on, then press the unlock button on the key. A click can be heard then crank it over.

no need to lock/unlock and is second nature now.  

Does that make sense?! 

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