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Low oil warning light - Faulty sensor as dipstick fine?


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Hi all,

Our 2012 2.0L petrol VX has been giving us grief with the oil level warning light. I see there seems to be a fair few reports of these being either faulty sensors or the ECU requiring a software update to resolve. We've raised the issue with the Subaru garage we bought it from (Unity Leicester) however they were unable to find a problem and said they'd never heard of an XV having this problem.

In our case its been very hit and miss however typically we're seeing the light come on on on longer journeys (30 miles+) typically at dual carriageway/motorway cruising speeds (60-70mph). We've checked everytime the light has come on and normally we see the level is between 50% and 90% depending on how long the car has had to sit. Typically around 50% if the car is left 10-15 minutes, or closer to 90-100% if the car is left for hours or overnight. 

Today for example, the oil light came on, my other half pulled over, waited 10 minutes and checked the level. It was showing at least 50% between low and full. 33 miles later the light switched itself off. As above, this was at 60-70 cursing speeds on flat roads but it went off when she had to slow for traffic. 

Is this similar to what other experienced and how did you get it fixed?


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6 minutes ago, Tidgy said:

Def sounds like a duff sensor.


has it got the right oil in it? if the oil is thinning out as it heats up may be could possibly throw strange codes.

As far as we know yes, we asked them to service it before collection so I would hope that did use 0w20. I've not got any of that to hand so have been topping up with 5w30 which the book says is fine. 0w20 does seem very thin to me but I think this is an economy thing iirc. I drive a 99 plate WRX and used to filling that up with 5w40 though so perhaps modern eco engines don't need such a high hot temp oil.

On the subject of codes, unfortunately my code reader can't pull a code for this so I assume its a Subaru specific code. Clearing all trouble codes does get rid of it though so obviously something stored.

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