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Insurance Quote


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Just getting some quotes for my insurance that is due very soon. Got a quote on a comparison company for £504.99, thought it wasn't too bad, but thought i'd try Adrian Flux (As part of being in the owners club we get a discount etc)... the quote they gave me £1,039!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anyone else have any issues with them? 

Went through another couple of companies and got it for £497.

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insurance prices seem to vary massivley depending on history, location etc etc etc


Best bet ring round a few places that specialise and see what you get, I've used Keith Michaels for a number of years now as they always come out pretty much the cheapest and i've had good service from them.

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On 10/16/2019 at 12:25 PM, wooler said:

Just getting some quotes for my insurance that is due very soon. Got a quote on a comparison company for £504.99, thought it wasn't too bad, but thought i'd try Adrian Flux (As part of being in the owners club we get a discount etc)... the quote they gave me £1,039!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anyone else have any issues with them? 

Went through another couple of companies and got it for £497.

Sorry we couldn't help out with a more competitive quotation.



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For my first year with the WRX Adrain Flux where too expensive and advised me to come back after the first year if I have no accidents etc.. I managed to get insurance for less the £700 from a comparison site. After the first year I went back to Adrian Flux and their quote came down to £500 mark. Keith Michaels said the same but I cannot tell you their quote as I could not get through to them by phone and gave up.

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