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Hey guys I hope your well during the pandemic. 

When I try to alarm my car it always seems to disarm instead of arming. I have tried what the Manual but it does not work does anyone know a specialist who can look at it please. 

It is an M30 Signa alarm 1999 Subaru turbo


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Tbh the sigma alarms can be troublesome,  I've seen numerous posts over the years of them playing up .

I've only ever had one classic with a sigma and sure enough it immobilized my car on the driveway 🙄

I used a mobile alarm fitter to rip out the sigma and fit a thatcham category 2 alarm with integrated turbo timer .

Think it was just under £300 for sigma out and new alarm supplied and fitted by Suffolk car alarms 

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to be fair the sigma pretty good alarms, we don't see massive amount of issues (most issues are buggered fobs and people not knowing pin code) and most of the systems like 14 to 21 years old .
Plus side is they well understood by most in trade who worth paying and easily bypassed removed or repaired at pretty low cost with used system parts .

If you want more help upload a photo of alarm fob front and back and give details on exactly what happening - turn signal flash count, doors unlock but instantly relock ect ...

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Thank you for responding. 

The problem is now fixed.

The problem was when arming the car it would trigger and begin beeping for 10-15 seconds followed by the car alarm being turned on. It was as if the system was picking up an door open but my car dash told me all of the doors are closed. It was like this for 2 years and I’m no specialist and always used the key to gain entry. 

In the end it was the bonnet alarm sensor. I simply disconnected it cleaned it and put it back and it began to work.

I contacted numerous alarm specialist and they all tried to sell me alarms rather then fixing mine and so I contact a sigma alarm specialist his name is Ian here is his link below  


Very helpful individual didn’t even need to come out to help. Did it over email in a matter of minutes so I rate that. 

I will see how it goes in the meantime and if any more problems occur I’ll post it. 

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