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outback 2009 2.0l diesel engine


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Hello, I’m Andrea, new in the Subaru world. 

Last September I bought a 2009 Subaru outback 2.0l diesel and the car had problems with the turbo and clutch which have been replaced. 

Then on January the 4th a sudden unintended acceleration wrecked the engine. 

Has this happened to anybody else? I’m wondering if it will happen again.

I’m thinking about replacing it for a new engine.

Would anyone be able to give me some advice about that? Maybe replacing it with a newer different engine model might be a good idea if that’s possible. 

Also, it would be nice to have some feed back about this car model and year and any general tips 



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On 1/17/2021 at 7:45 PM, NeilMc said:

Hi Andrea when you say wrecked engine what do you mean


Hallo Neil, the car engine is now unusable some valve could be bent has been check by my mechanic. Has I’ve been thinking if could be avoided by the signs the car was giving before.

Few days before I’ve notice that the car wasn’t accelerating as normal and fill like clog up, the day that the engine went in the motorway at 60 mph try to overtake pushing the accelerator in 5th gear was not normal like she won’t go. Also, to be said that the engine start was taking few thorns of the key to start.

Has I’ve understood from the mechanic the car was depositing oil in the air inlet I think and while in acceleration the car looks like not accelerating and then in a flash she goes full acceleration, has the mechanic explain to me the oil from the air inlet went back to the cylinder and a full born up as happen.

I’ve been suggested to get an early 2011 engine the new crank on it.

Why not 2015/16.

I’m looking for any suggestion, thanks.

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On 1/18/2021 at 8:28 AM, Jay762 said:

Hi - the older diesels tend to be more reliable that the new ones, what is the issue?

Hallo Jay, the car engine is now unusable some valve could be bent has been check by my mechanic. Has I’ve been thinking if could be avoided by the signs the car was giving before.

Few days before I’ve notice that the car wasn’t accelerating as normal and fill like clog up, the day that the engine went in the motorway at 60 mph try to overtake pushing the accelerator in 5th gear was not normal like she won’t go. Also, to be said that the engine start was taking few thorns of the key to start.

Has I’ve understood from the mechanic the car was depositing oil in the air inlet I think and while in acceleration the car looks like not accelerating and then in a flash she goes full acceleration, has the mechanic explain to me the oil from the air inlet went back to the cylinder and a full born up as happen.

I’ve been suggested to get an early 2011 engine the new crank on it.

Why not 2015/16.

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Hiya Garibaldi

I had the 2009 diesel, crankshaft went. Before hand it wasnt noticable except for about a week before I had a rough running noise when accelerating and when idle. I suspect the shaft was loose or warped at this stage  Mine also went when i was accelerating after a roundabout- these manufacturing problems are all over internet. All state that this engine was not fit for purpose. In some cases subaru paid for repairs usually only if youd a full subaru service history. I didnt or couldnt as my nearest dealer is 159km away.  There is also talk of an internal memo subaru released about this engine but I havent seen that. They should have done a recall i reckon. I was very disappointed with their lack of customer service and I believe it has damaged the brand hugely bo one in Ireland wants to but a second had Subaru Diesel these days. Subaru Ireland basically denied there were any issues despite international evidence I quoted, they are dogs to deal with, one guy in particular, a so called technical service manager, he needs to up his game big time and maybe get some customer service training.

It needed a short block replacement and when i started to enquire for prices they were €5500 from Subaru Ireland. In Poland they were €4500. Suddenly Subaru Ireland dropped price to about €3995. Why would they do this?

They knew there was a problem with that generation. I got new short block engine and all was fine, except for cost of block and labour, i kept car for another 50000km but then sold it. Bought the MY12 diesel and had no issues up to 187000 when I sold this week as I just had a fear that once it got close to 245000km or less i may have same issues, although Ive read the 2012 has had many changes to the crankshaft that they put into the first and second generation diesels. Got to also mention the resale value of Subaru Diesels are rubbish.

Dont get me wrong I love the brand, Ive been a Subaru driver for over 20yrs, Ive gone back to a petrol subaru now, fingers crossed it be the right move 


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