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Anyone else a bit like me in a nerd way and play's computer game too when they have some free time ? ;)


Just been playing BF4. And wow graphics are immense, I was on the multi player beta. Now just having a look at single player. It's buggy at the minute still but hopefully be sorted out.




Got to admit to being a bit of gaming nerd myself. I won't be getting this until I get a next gen console though which may be a long way away looking at the prices of them. Got to say I wasn't a massive fan of BF3 either, I much preferred BF: Bad Company 2. Although a lot of that I think was due to the size of the maps and small player count, a problem the next gen version of BF4 sorts.

Is that the PC version?


I've played games all my life, going back to the Atari2600, Commodore64 Amiga and so on :D I still think BF2 was the best of them all followed by Bad Company 2. Yes it's PC have ps3 and a 360 too. I've gone with getting the xbox1 as well not preordered one yet though I'm hoping be able to get one before Christmas :D bit of a risk but will see what happens :D 


I've been playing since Sonic 2 was released on the Master System, I'm only 27 so was a bit later to the party ;). I have owned a C64 and Amiga 500 though, plus just about every system released over the years since the MS. Never been a big PC gamer though, dont know why just can't get into it.

Does look amazing on PC. I take it you've heard of Giantbomb? I was watching their quick look of it, looked seriously impressive.

Ill no doubt end up getting both next gen consoles but the Xbox One will be my first purchase I think. Solely thanks to Forza 5. I'm a massive Forza fan :D


Me too I was in the Magazine when the game 1st came out I clocked the 3rd quickest time on the demo. I was waiting for a letter to be invited to London to compete with a chance to win a mini coop but they never sent it :( And it's the only reason I'm going with it 1st I'm sure I will have both at some point :D 

And with the Pc I used to be hardcore with that too. Use to play Call of duty in a league :D 


I,ve just set the fella,s new gaming machine up, arrived yesterday all £1500 worth, he,s just been playing BF4 on ultra settings, i could have got a brand spanking new exhaust, grills and tons of other stuff for car for price of that! But he is a hardcore gamer lol

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£1500 Sod that! build my own like you say can get a lot for the car for that money :D 

Thats on Ultra the screen shot's. I'm not as hardcore as I once was time will not allow it to be be :( And I don't enjoy them that much now. Just gives me something to do now it's getting colder :D 


Don't get me started. Thought i'd pre order on origin website so paid for it in april as knew baby was due. Cut a long story short and many emails later. Turns out ea can't ship them fast enough (xbox) so i'm still waiting for a copy i was supposed to get on friday. Grrr !

To top it off paid for the day one edition thinking i was getting a premium bundle but no that's an extra 40 bits

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My words were alot more severe than sod that lol. Fella is obsessed, if he isn,t on his gaming laptop it,s xbox. Keeps him quite though i just shout him when i want a cuppa :)

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We've all got a guilty pleasure ! It's my man time when the ladies are watching xfactor/strictly/bgt/ what ever else is rubbish prime time.

No way i'm gonna be able to twist her arm for an xbox1 till at least june next year

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Don't get me started. Thought i'd pre order on origin website so paid for it in april as knew baby was due. Cut a long story short and many emails later. Turns out ea can't ship them fast enough (xbox) so i'm still waiting for a copy i was supposed to get on friday. Grrr !

To top it off paid for the day one edition thinking i was getting a premium bundle but no that's an extra 40 bits

That's one thing that really pi$$es me off about EA the way they release this game same thing happened to me with BF3 :( bought the game and ended up paying another £35 on top of it :( And then the addon's cost grrr makes me mad it does  :angry:



My words were alot more severe than sod that lol. Fella is obsessed, if he isn,t on his gaming laptop it,s xbox. Keeps him quite though i just shout him when i want a cuppa :)

Sent from my Windows Phone 8S by HTC using Tapatalk

Hell I'm moving in with you £1500 for making cup's of tea  :P

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You would think the machine would make one for me! And yes i watch x factor/ BGT and strictly, it must be a woman thing lol

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I'm with Stanton500 that goes on. I'm out in the garage or on here. I might pop my head in when it's near the finals and have a look. :)


don't mind the premium feature as you save money in the long run but i was under the impression that is what i bought. Other wise i'd have saved some cash and gone to asda on fri and paid 35 for it. To rub salt into the wounds i got this last night

Hi Adam Stanton,

We have some news regarding your order of Battlefield 4. Regretfully, we were unable to ship this product as scheduled. We do not take this lightly and want to do our best to make this right.We will ship your original order as soon as we possibly can by the most rapid delivery method available. We understand this sort of delay is unacceptable and cannot apologize strongly enough for this delay.Sincerely,

The Origin team

So asked if i can get a discount on the premium pack, not got a reply haha

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Gutted but at least they said sorry  :lol: It's worth the wait though mate I've enjoyed the small amount I've played so far. Not sure what the console is going to be like but would think it will be just about the same. And worth a try mate let's face it, it's in their interest to do a bit of discount on it :D 


I'm starting to fancy you more and more Gem ;) £1500 for making cups of tea, let's your fella play on games and doesn't question it and you play fifa have a Subaru... where have you been all my life  :lol:


I am also an IT techie at a school on my 10th year now lol, i very much work and live in an all male environment so i have to fit in :p

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Giggidy giggidy. Do you like a man with a good collection of gimp mask's and other.. Hmmm how shall I put this. Exotic toy's ;) 


Gem, you're an angel! Lol. He's a very lucky fella by sounds of all that!

Imagine all the car goodies £1500 would buy.... I wouldn't have been able to do that. No matter how much I loved someone haha! If I was in the same position, £500 would have gone on her and £1000 on my car ;)


Lol Gambit, i,m more a fan of the Thor outfit haha ;)

The machine will be his Xmas present for the next 5 years lol. I got a Subaru keyring and some Subaru Impreza bun toppers for when i bake, i,m easily pleased :)

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By all accounts this one is geared up for the next gen. But i'm sure it will play well. I'm just gutted we've never had 32 player games. All i play is forza and bf. Passed up gta this year too !

Calm down gambit ! I'll have to post a leg shot to take your mind off things.


Lol Gambit, i,m more a fan of the Thor outfit haha ;)

The machine will be his Xmas present for the next 5 years lol. I got a Subaru keyring and some Subaru Impreza bun toppers for when i bake, i,m easily pleased :)

Sent from my Windows Phone 8S by HTC using Tapatalk

Ohhh almost the perfect woman  :P

Not sure the long hair would suit me. But I do have a big hammer ;) 



By all accounts this one is geared up for the next gen. But i'm sure it will play well. I'm just gutted we've never had 32 player games. All i play is forza and bf. Passed up gta this year too !

Calm down gambit ! I'll have to post a leg shot to take your mind off things.

I've been holding off GTA too was waiting for it on the PC thinking it would be better and out at the same time :( I've been battering WRC 4 up until today when I got BF4 but only had 20 minutes on it so far been respraying my morettes among other stuff I've had to do today :( 

And you will have to pack it in stanton500 giving me a sem-on thinking about it  :lol:

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