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Manual gearbox oil.


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I will be change oil in gearbox in Poland Subaru recommended Shell 75w90 gl5 but can't find her. My favourite oil it's valvoline and I find 75w90 durablend but is two kind. One is 75w90 and second 75w90 LS.

Could you tell me please which one is the best.

Thank you.

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going from memory it depends on what your using it for the LS is limited slip diff oil specific, so just go with the normal stuff for the gearbox, 


i'd double check 1st though but i'm pretty sure, 


could try Opie Oils, he's on here for more advice and to see if he can get the Shell stuff for you 

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Opie do have the grades you have been recommended and all the top names, we do get a forum members discount with them so as Stanton said it would be worth contacting Oilman (Tim)




most recent offer on Gulf oils...



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  • 4 weeks later...

The valvolene durablend is gl4 spec, better oil can be had & would be advisable but if valvolene is gl5 or they do a gl5 then good enough & it your prefered brand & has availability in your area.

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