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New guy on the forum

Dan wrx

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Hi all I got my impreza bugeye in November last year, it's a 2001 wrx, I wanted to get Xmas out the way then start modding. So just got a td05, sti up pipe, decat down pipe cosworth panel filter, going to get a 255l fuel pump and probably pink injectors then for the remap. I've taken the car of the road as the clutch has just started slipping so going to order a new one next week and try and fit it myself, I've done clutches befor but never on a impreza, don't own a engine crane so axel stands it is :) any pointers or diy threads any one knows of would be a BIG help.

Anyway that's enough from me, hopefully this is a bit more friendly than a certain forum I've been on since I bought the motor ;)

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Hi mate welcome to S.O.C 

Good list of mods planned there I like it :D

As for the clutch I couldn't give you any tips sorry I'm sure someone on here can thought plenty of members that repair and do there own for pleasure or as a living. 

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Hi and welcome to soc fella

I've changed a few boxes / clutches so here's a few tips

you'll need to be able to clear the bellhousing on removal , you'll need to get the car up high on 4 axle stands .

drop the oil outta the box as you'll loose most of it outta the prop seal

front drive shafts have split pins on the inner cv's but you'll have to break the balljoints to withdraw shafts from the box.

They've got a "push " clutch so you'll need to remove the (10mm I think) allen key bung from underneath the starter motor in this pic 129E1089-orig_zpsd93707a8.jpg

and withdraw the clutch pivot pin buy using a small (cam cover size) bolt


other than that you'll need to check the flywheel is 100% true or get it skimmed as you might end up with clutch judder once you've fitted the new one .new gearbox oil , spigot bearing (in the middle of the flywheel) turbo outlet and down pipe to catback gasket .

Otherwise it's fairly the same as any rwd box change .

if you get stuck chuck me a pm .


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Thanks everyone, as for the mods I'm looking forward to the end result and hoping for a modest 300bhp roughly. The clutch doesn't seem to bad then to be honest, thanks a lot for the tips Clive really appriciate it and I've put a couple of pics up in the gallery area jay. Only got a few photos at the moment as I'm waiting for the weather to get a bit better, then it's a trip up to beachy head (lovely scenery) for some better pics.

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