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last night i drove home from mates house. It was around half 11 and very foggy with light rain. last half mile before i get home you have straight road emerging from village for like quarter of a mile up the hill. you need to rev it a little to go up that hill. 3rd gear more then enough. when you get to end of that stretch there is a 45* degree bent turning right and goes into flat so if you take it too quickly it will spit you out. well last night i drove up and just before i got to that bent i slowed down to 30mph and what i see in last moment? !Removed! cyclist wearing just black clothes and no lights :huh:  so as i swerved round him turned in and car started skiding out of the road. so i hit the throttle and scooby got me out of that sweaty situation with absolute ease. got home and thought blimey that was close call -_-  i think if you get scared in situation like this thats it end of story. so feeling quite safe driving scooby :)

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Spur of the moment actions like that are pure instinct for most of us. We just have to hope that like you, our instincts are correct at that precise moment in time. If you had braked instead of accelerated, the outcome could have been a whole lot different.

Glad to hear it worked out well for you. The car undoubtedly helped, but the instincts were yours ;)

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great to hear it pulled you round - as said, testament to your reactions and a well maintained motor - and did you get any of your knocking from the rear ;)


great to hear it pulled you round - as said, testament to your reactions and a well maintained motor - and did you get any of your knocking from the rear ;)

yeah it was probably there but i just didnt pay attention at that time lol :)


yeah it was probably there but i just didnt pay attention at that time lol :)


:D - ill bet  :D


One thing with the AWD it does handle well I had a moment with a BMW that was scary :) I think I would have recovered it but in blind panic my missus screaming to the lefty of me and 3 kids in the back I forgot to change down a gear so stalled it :( 


One thing with the AWD it does handle well I had a moment with a BMW that was scary :) I think I would have recovered it but in blind panic my missus screaming to the lefty of me and 3 kids in the back I forgot to change down a gear so stalled it :(

 oh no :o


i wish i did but i think he needed some toilet roll more than my earful :wacko:  nothing against civilised cyclists but prats like these should be hanged


I must admit I've started to get a growing hate towards a lot of "Sicklists" It's what I call them because if you hit one their on the sick list. But some of them I have seen of late I doubt should even be allowed out on their own never mind to cycle the street putting themselves and others in danger.  

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yep know what you mean mate, they seem to ignore most of the laws over here- red lights, no yellow vests, no lights, driving on pavements or even roads when there is cycle path next to it. Then when you hit one your driving career is most likely over :(


Exactly and all of the above I have started to see more and more. And it's a real pet hate that when they ride on the road with a designated next to them. I'm sure they do it on purpose I mean I'm driving on the road and can see it :D  

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Last Night a Scooby Saved my Life (ooh ooh),

Last Night a Scooby Saved my Life from a Broken !Removed!...


Well done you, and I hope you were able to calm down ok after that. It's scary enough when the car does something you aren't used to, but even worse if you have a close shave that could almost kill a vulnerable road user: even if they do seem to be doing something thick, we know that's someone else's loved one. I had a moment like that in my old Rover, coming round a blind bend and someone coming the other way cut the corner and I had to swerve to avoid. It was just enough to make the back end of the car bounce from side to side - after 4 bounces (so lucky, bouncing at the right intervals versus oncoming vehicles) I got the measure of it stepped gently on the brake pedal as it came to centre, that corrected it. A guy coming the other way saw it from the distance, flashed his lights and gave me a gentle wave as I passed. Whoever that guy was, thanks mate, that was a kindness that really helped me get my head straight.


No regular driving instructor can teach you that instinct. Let me tell you I was crapping myself, and let out a good old scream about a minute after it was under control - gets the pent up adrenalin out! Same when I have done an emergency stop and rear wheel skid on the motorbikes. Some of us just *get* it, we should be thankful of that.


Speaking of bikes, I'm putting my biker hat on here and I'll say that most motorists hit bikers or cyclists not because they aren't wearing hi-viz, but because the drivers aren't looking (don't get me wrong, some bikers/cyclists do crazy stuff too, and no lights is just asking for it). My friend Pat got knocked of his bicycle wearing full hi-viz gear, and I got knocked off my motorbike by a driver on the inside lane despite the noise, flashing indicator lights and right of way by virtue of the fact I was already on the roundabout by some daft bint who was in a hurry to get to the airport. Silly confession... Nice insurance cheque :-)


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In the meantime, mostly naked ladies on bicycles... Not my cup of tea but I can certainly see how that might cause a few accidents!


I always move over for bikers when I see them and have no problem with sharing the road with them but might be a bit bias as you know I used to ride bikes. But sicklists just seem to be really dangerous as said before cutting light coming off the curb in front of me to rejoin the road after taking to the path to go around red lights riding 3 or 4 side by side of each other having a chitchat on the country roads. I even watched a sicklist scrape down the side of someones car taking paint off at traffic lights and just carry on riding. I'm guessing he had to claim or pay for the damage himself. ( I must admit I did laugh it was an AUDI so felt some justice  :lol: ) but if it had been my car I might have been tempted to run him over get my moneys worth ;)

I'm not saying all are bad either some respect the roads the way it should be and try allow the right amount of room and so, same goes for motorbikers I see a few do something stupid but I'm sure I have done the same sort of things in the car. But an ever growing number of sicklists that have had no need to learn to ride a bike other than they can with no training taking to the roads for me is a danger and a big one waiting to happen :(

And I say that with knowing I'm no angel but will try my best to be as good as I can when other road users are on the road. I've also noticed that since it's come to light about the Road tax is no longer road tax it's car tax, just seems to have made it they have more of a right to be on the roads :D

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Diz- yeah i was trying to remain cool but soon i got home i had big glass of wine and few !Removed! to get over it :)

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Good job we don't have many Americans on here. I remember a big argument on Xbox live beta test when a Brit said I'm just having a !Removed! :rolleyes:  

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i used to be a keen cyclist and there are too many drivers that don't car about them on the roads, i always kept as far left as i could and never road at night without a light coloured jacket and some lights, i do give a cyclist a wide birth when i'm driving but ones like the one you encountered or some riding side by side or have way across the road i will drive as close as possible and give them a blast of the airhorn, they want respect from us then they should extend us the same courtesy and follow the rules of the road


i also cut my handle bars down to get them as short as possible so when in traffic coming to a red light i'm not likely to clip a wing mirror

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Gambit, if I could do +100 likes on your post I would.


Miggs, I cut the bars down on my 500cc commuting bike for 'filtering' purposes. One day, being a bit too gallus, I pushed out of place the wing mirror of a car as I squeezed through to the front at the red light <blush>. I backed up, nodded to the driver, fixed the mirror back into position and two thumbs up did the trick. I've also called to a cyclist to get in front of the bike on the inside of our lane while waiting at lights so he didn't get choked by my fumes, then covered him through a dangerous junction (ok, he was hot with a well toned bottom, but seriously I would never fall for that kind of thing and swear I was just being considerate).


If you use the roads it's all about thinking how to keep yourself and others safe. Luigi, it sounds you you pulled a blinder and stopped yourself from going into the ditch and at the same time the guy was able to get fixed up with bog roll rather than bandages. Bucket of vino and 20 Marlboro's is a lot cheaper than repairs, and typically you won't get comps from a cyclist who isn't even insured. What you posted gives me the confidence to do the same thing in those circumstances, thanks very much for that :)

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