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:D :D :D  is that light blue touch paper and stand well back or what :D :D :D ?


nice one Tom ;)


I do play on the PC but only been playing Skyrim on the PC of late I still never got round to playing BF4 on multiplayer. I'm still in a clan on the Pc but don't get the time now to put in like I used too :D


I can add you but but my son plays on it more than I do, but been thinking of getting that Dayz :D

My thing on it's wpgambits WP being the clan I've been in for many many years going back to before the very 1st call Of duty came out :D

my son has renamed me Ezio at the minute I really should get him his own account :D


ah, i was wondering who Ezio was... hahah


I used to play the dayz mod alot. A bit too much, kinda tempted by the standalone, although, i know it will take over my life again :(


I have two friends from the clan I'm in that play it so i'm tempted I know what it's about but not played it :D


I have two friends from the clan I'm in that play it so i'm tempted I know what it's about but not played it :D


Dayz? ah man, its pretty awesome.


Have a watch of this guy, He's pretty awesome.


Well I caved I've bought it and downloading as I type this :D


hahaha lol, talk about an impulse buy!

  • 2 weeks later...

I play PC games, I have DayZ as well.... fantastic game but not played it for a while. Will have to play it again as it's had more updates.


I've not played it for a bit after getting about 3 days of collecting stuff and having people with full on machine guns and camouflage gear just shooting me to nick m less than good gear :( I didn't fancy starting again to collect the same stuff again for the 5th time just to get killed on the 4th or 5th day. 


Couple of guy's I know know was making me laugh they held a bloke up put handcuffs on him and just nicked his trousers and shoes. Then let him run off :lol:  


Now you are putting me off again, that's why I stopped playing. Managed to get a decent machine gun, backpack and stuff. Was all kitted out and figured I would scout a town....found someone on the floor dead so very timidly went to investigate and BOOM I was given the "you are dead" screen  :( .


There are some funny moments on it though when you meet people like the guys you know, wish more people are like that rather than just shoot on site.


Well when I 1st started I had an axe my only weapon and some food and a school bag and just some random clothes. Got shot running down the railway tracks by a guy hiding in the forest. 

2nd time I had found a machine gun only one I did in 2 weeks but ad no ammo so again the axe was my only real weapon. I was one end of the map and the guy's I know was the other. So I arranged to meet them I was north so running south bumped into 2 guys in the road, so not sure if it was my mates I asked on TS they said it wasn't them so I turned and ran BANG shot me dead again. 

3 and 4 and 5th time I didn't even have any weapons I was just getting a coat at most and trying to find food. Oh fell and broke both my legs on some ladders when it lagged that was enjoyable too :) 


And then when I stopped after the last time was on the 3rd day I had collected some good bit's and had a shot gun with 2 shells and the axe. I had planned that in the morning when less people would be on I'd go have a look at the RAF base for the good stuff. So logged out new I didn't have anything on in the morning so took the kids to school came back. Made a few phone calls. Right I have 30mins lets do it so jumped on got a nice 30 slot backpack a green beret black combat shirt and camo combat trousers  loads of other bit's good stuff. And came across these guns but had no ammo for them so left them, until I went in the last tent found two boxes of these shells for the guns I had found and was better than a shotgun that I only had 4 shells for at this point. So I thought I would risk going to collect one of these guns as I was running across the airstrip some guy started to open fire on me from a doorway I nearly crapped myself rattled off these 2 shots with the shotgun and ran around the building I didn't' even know how to reload the damn thing. So laid in the grass for a few seconds figuring it out and thought I've not seen him I will try sneak off. Just see him at the top of the control tower o started to run bang dead again. That was it for me not beenon since :D


I love the game for making it so tense... you could spend hours playing the game and not meet anyone then when you see someone it's time to decide if they are friendly or not. Breaking your legs is the worst, you could fall off something about 2 foot high and you are then left crawling for your life!


Have you had a look at Banished? That is quite good and very relaxing just once you get the hang of it and the village supports itself it can get a little boring. I've clocked 15 hours so far or something though.


No not played it. Been playing Skyrim I like it and I have Thief, not that good I don't think the game doesn't feel right to me but will carry on now until I complete it  ;)

I did really enjoy the Assassin's creed games though I think they're my type 


I've got Thief on XB1 and I was very dissapointed :(  I'm trying really hard to complete it but Instead focused on doing Forza races... got 4 series left on FM5 now!


Done forza 5 now just the bonus races left but I will still play it anyway I still find myself in amazement still at the detail :) 

  • 1 month later...

I just got my first dayz standalone kill. Well, it was more like murder actually.

I was searching a tall civilian building, when i glanced out of a window and saw a zombie chasing another player...


He attempted to seek cover from said zombie on the ground floor. I heard
hear from trying to kill it with a melee weapon, So i crept down the
stairs and waited to see what he did. He suddenly ran up the stairs, and
out of dayz i must survive instinct i put 7 sks rounds in his back lol.
I think it was seven, well he was dead anyway lol.

Not sure whether i should feel bad or not, as i know he would have
probably done the same to me. - although, that's probably me just trying
to justify my crime... hahha

  • Like 1

lol my mate plays dayz standalone and might be getting it too myself soon but he always goes on the mics and tries to communicate with ppl before shooting but in all honesty don't feel bad it just makes you a bandit :p

  • Like 1

Congrats on your first murder Tom... all that person would have heard is a couple of loud shots before his screen went black ;)

  • Like 1

lol my mate plays dayz standalone and might be getting it too myself soon but he always goes on the mics and tries to communicate with ppl before shooting but in all honesty don't feel bad it just makes you a bandit :P


nah im no bandit, i just didn't want to risk dying to another player hahah


Congrats on your first murder Tom... all that person would have heard is a couple of loud shots before his screen went black ;)


hahaha, I didn't know what to do. I was waiting for a good few minutes whilst i was weighing up what to do lol. 


he didn't have any beanz though :(


Ive only ever killed one person on the game I was on with a few mates using TS we was just all meeting up so was only 3 of us in the group waiting to meet up with another 3 people. One of our group got dropped from the server. So was stood around waiting when we had another 2 random people come up to us so I pretended I was afk my mate was chatting to them when they tried to handcuff him we both started to run and they shot him so I turned and fired at one chasing me killed him so I ran around a bit more to take cover and flank the other but never see them again. Been killed loads on it though. And had a few people say freeze for me to run away with bullets going past my head. Im fully kitted out now with fire axe two m4s a pistol loads of ammo full cammo clothing gas mask bandages and food. And stacks of ammo.


I'm going to have to get on this again I think, not played it since I set up a proper gaming desk! Nearly finished downloading Star Wars Battlefronts 2, used to love it on the xbox so hopefully it will be good on pc as well :D

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