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Hey guys I have a impreza turbo wrx jap import on a s reg had the car few week now went to start 1 morning and struggled to start warmed car up when I went to hit boost it wouldn't go past 0.5 bar frustrating they was no engine light on but plugged the black and green together under dash got 44 Wastegate control solenoid valve and 24 idle air control solonoid. This fault is hit and miss sometimes start it up it boosts fine then others it dont want to no! Could I fit manual boost control valve and set the boost back to were it was before the 3 port played up??? Thanks people


Wotcha and welcome - by doing this you may well be hiding a real issue - I would find out if it is the 3 port at fault first


Hi thanks for the reply I was told to pull the pipe of the actuator and to see if the boost goes over 0.5 bar I did that and went straight over it so does that mean the solonoid is faulty? I bought 1 of eBay was a 3 port but wasn't the same part number and made no differance can't find 1 matching mine so was hoping to get manual boost controller and getting it back to 0.8 bar is it possible thanks


If that is the problem I think it would be away around it certainly worth ago to see if it works. But I'm also with Jay would be worried that I might have been just doing a work around and not fixing the bigger problem. But you never know. Have you rang Martin up at sheffield subaru services ?

If you don't know him top bloke and know plenty about Subarus. Also he holds a Meet if that would interest you too. Well worth going meet some of the guy's on here and in your local area ;) 


Ye I agree it is a work around the fault but I can't seem to find 1 matching mine I'm running out if ideas were to find the genuine 3 part boost solonoid they none on eBay what match so this was my last resort a MBC but it's pis***g me off now boosting at 0.5 bar lol getting me down ;).

No mate not rang im u dont have is number by any chance do u? Don't no the guy but any things worth a try at this stage.

Ye ide be intrested in some meets but really need to fix this issue first thanks for ur time guys

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Just spoke to Martin he says not to put a MBC on the Subaru. That guys amazing lol spoke ten min on phone whalahh fixed told me to block vac pipe going to dump valve boosted perfect so new dump valve not boost solonoid lol thanks guys uve saved the beast ;)

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He is awesome I have to admit :D 

But don't tell him I said so ;) And least it's sorted mate if you have any problems at all Martins great won't ever rip you off  he's 158 mile round trip for me but will use him for most jobs now that is worth going through for :) 


Lol saved me a bit of money and a lot of confusion as I was looking in the total wrong place replacing solonoids and everything else lol. No I won't tell im but I'm sure he already knows lol ;) well just need to find a replacement dump valve now then back on the road boosting lol

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I have a standard recirc valve that I don't need anymore fits a classic model, not sure about compatabiltiy though.

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Only in Leeds/Bradford so not too far really, more than welcome to come and try it out. The picture shows the type it is so you should have a good idea of whether it will fit or not




Ye looks like it would fit im going to split this HKS I've got on see if spring jammed or anything I'll let u no how a get on thanks for that pal much appreciated


great to hear you are on the way to fixing it  :) 

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