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one of the jobs needed when i recently got my 98 impreza non turbo was to replace window motor

sourced one and will be fitting soon

prior to just taking door card off was asking for any advice and info that will make this job straight forward

mechanically minded but having never owned a subaru just being cautious


I've not changed one myself mate but looks easy enough to do when I was swapping the speakers over. 


excellent as part came today

asking few questions just in case there was any hidden glitches

thanks for reply


No worries and ask away might be a bit slow on replys with the weather being so nice but will help if I can :D 


Take some pics and a brief run through would be good. I'm looking at changing the little pad thing thats in there somewhere it's supposedly the cause of the scratches on the window.

I'd like to see whats what before taking the door card off.

I take it the mechanism is a scisor action as opposed to cables?

Sent from my SM-T210 using Tapatalk


bits i have got are a scissor type mechanism although all i need is the motor that is held on with two screws 


to get door card off im assuming detach door lever and screw and gently prise off plastic caps with careful consideration to window switch assembly in door card etc

havent touched it yet as was hoping someone as experience just in case theres something i need to know not been with the subaru long


I think there is a screw in the door handle part you use to shut it with when sat inside the car. I know when I changed the speakers wasn't a massive job to take off might even find it's a wire thats snapped that's stopping it from working yet :) 


have sourced secondhand window motor but when you press switch you hear a noise like the electric current is getting to themotor but nothing else happens so my plan was straight replacement of motor ( weather and commitments permitting this week )


Been reading about this and people have said beware of a small strip of metal attached to the inside of the door card, it seems that it's still attached even after you've unclipped and uncrewed everything else


After getting the old window motor off and refitting < eBay refurb unit > i find out the eBay special doesnt work

A good afternoons experience but ive had to put a piece of wood inside door frame temp measure to keep the glass up

crazy thing is i tested the motor i took off and it winds one way which is only up

is this motor repairable or bite the bullet and get a brand new one


That sucks :( 

And sorry I couldn't help with your question I would say it was dead myself unless you can see why it's only going one way :( 


In the mean time just have to hum the mission impossible theme tune as you slowly push it up with the bit of wood ;) 


It's very possible might be worth seeing if it wilk work on another window before buying another.

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