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For the sake of humanity I hope Gambit is only a bot and not a real person.

& might be worth a try, will have to see on Monday.

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I'm a sophisticated s*x robot sent back through time, to change the future for one lucky lady. ;) 

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I thought you was going to say you spat something else when you saw the words sexual. But fair enough ;)


Well durrrh isn't it obvious :D

No I still not heard anything about this money I'm waiting for to get a new hub bearing Cv joint four new tyres front brake calipers and disc and pads all around as well as tracking and my Tax next month, and if I can I might aswell get some braided front hoses :D but Steve has posted it on our Facebook wall not sure if anyone has seen it. 


!Removed! hell this list is getting longer, sure you car has fallen to bits or does it just want to come and keep mine company.


Oh once I've done that list Cambelt will be next so I think it will be popping at some point for a cuppa next to your's :D 


Haha, gambits never ending excuse list why he cannot turn up to the sheffield meets :/ dont worry we wont judge you ;) much


Cambelt will be done by martin so unless he wants to sit and do it at a meet I can't see why I can't be there lol. But I will pop over once the 1st lists done the belts only just due but they tyres and the knackered hub chewing bearings up and the stuck piston on the brake caliper puts me off wanting to go anywhere far at the minute and I don't see the point in getting any of it fixed until I can do it all in one go at the same time with the tracking needing doing :) 


When you have grown up and have 3 kids and real costs to deal with you will understand young padawan ;) 


Haha do my cars count as kids ?? they seem to whinge and cost me lots of money ??


Well I guess I do treat my car like a big kid but I do have another three that breath and even talk back to me sometimes :( What really annoys me they all want clothing and feeding it's not like the TV ad you see on TV where they go on about they are left to defend for themselves ;) 


May not be at this months don't hold it against me, least I've turned up before [emoji16] maybe we should liaise with gambit to have a meet when his cars in for some work, prob only chance of him making one

Sent from my SM-T210

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Nope all being well the solicitors have had a bollocking as they said it would be done by the end of last month beginning of this month and have promised it will be done before the end of this month now so fingers crossed :) but welcome to come see me whilst I'm that way :D take me out for dinner and talk sweet nothings  :wub:


Should be there, cars filthy from the drive back from japfest tho, no time to clean :(

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Not a huge turn out tonight and the "organiser" let us all down* - disappeared, no photographer and worst of off, no. Burgers!!! But was still a good get together and got talking to even more new faces. All in all another great meet. :)

* I'm only messing Ash ;)


another decent turnout, probably about 15-20 cars


I'll post the pic's tomorrow night


Ash, where were the photographer? or burger van?


did you get your car swapped?


'not a huge turnout'

how many people do you expect to turn up to a Subaru meet on a Monday night?


I mean in comparison to the others. The last one at the retail park looked like a huge turn out and the couple I attended at Martins before then had more than tonight. There were still a lot though don't get me wrong :)

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Apologies all, i was scared for my life speaking to 7 men while swapping my car, On the Glanza hype now though, what should have been a ten minute job turned into a massive 4 hours, been back about 20 mins.


Secondly i was meant to bring the photographer but as i was doing the swap and had no room i couldnt really bring them, i totally forgot about jap fest as well in which im guessing alot of people went to.


Thanks for turning up everyone.

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