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I'm sure everyone has seen the news about the 15 year old that stabbed his Teacher to death at school. Really gets my back up this !Removed! 


Schoolboy accused of stabbing teacher to death 'was loner hooked on violent video games'


The boy accused of stabbing teacher Ann Maguire to death was hooked on violent video games, it was claimed today.

His profiles on Google+ and YouTube show he was particularly keen on one called Dark Souls, in which players take on the role of a cursed character chosen to discover the fate of the undead.

The teenager, who cannot be named for legal reasons, even had a drawing of the Grim Reaper as the banner on his Facebook page.

Friends say he was also heavily into games such as Assassin’s Creed, the Call of Duty series and Grand Theft Auto and would spend hours playing them.

He subscribed to the video channel and website Achievement Hunter to get tips about how to collect the most points and rewards from the games.

Police were tonight trawling social media pages linked to the A-grade student in a bid to find more about his interests.

One pal described him as “a loner” who was also obsessed with thrash and heavy metal music by bands such as Enter Shikari, A Day to Remember and Bring Me The Horizon.

The friend added: “Everyone thought it was really odd. He was going out with a girl from the same year. I think they split up recently, but I don’t know why.”

It is believed the accused teenager’s mother had flown out of the UK on holiday on the day of the stabbing. She is thought to have been travelling home today.

Pupils told how two female language teachers ran to help Mrs Maguire after hearing terrified screams coming from the classroom.

One restrained the alleged attacker, who had dropped the blade at the scene and headed out into the corridor.

Another tried to save 61-year-old Mrs Maguire, who was reportedly stabbed from behind.

“We were told that one of the teachers grabbed her and she just fell into her arms,” said one shocked student.




I agree, it is ridiculous to say that video games cause violence in real life, I know plenty of people who play violent video games for many hours and have never done anything like that. Definitely something else going on that caused this imo.


More right wing media !Removed! blaming video games. Sadly, alot of the population for **** like this time and time again.


At a guess, its probably got more to do with the break with his gf and his mother jetting off on holiday without him - although, we don't know the whole story, so cant exactly make a judgement.


Typical daily mail readers, they were all over LBC saying it was pot and games that made this kid stabb the teacher.


Its an ongoing theme for the daily fail to pin everything on Video games and weed rather than crap parenting.


Video games do not corrupt kids morals, they dont have them instilled in them from thier parents.


Everyone has thoughts like "I could punch that guy in the face for cutting me up", "I could run that ****** on the bike over for just being on a bike" but we dont act on them as we have a concionce and morlas instilled into us by our family and teachers.



A lot of kids these days were brought up just being dumped infront of the TV by the parents instead of engaing thier kids.

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Exactly pete we all say it. When I was at school this kid shot a teacher called Sweaty Stebbin in the forehead with a dart gun at point blank range for no reason other than walking past. Most violent game then was duck hunt. My lad whos 11 plays loads of fps games and runs around with my 5 year old playing with toy guns. I don't think ive ever heard my oldest lad doing anything wrong not even been in a fight. Mind you he is a bit nerdy he's like walking calculator. he might end up like Russell Crow did in a beautiful mind yet. [emoji2]


Go back 20 years pick up any comic like the Beano or Dandy and you will find bullying, fighting, generally nasty stuff. Tom and jerry cartoons, frying pans, bricks, irons to the face ect. There has always been violence in popular entertainment. Just I was brought up to know these things are wrong and you don't do it yourself.


I remember bash street kids comic. [emoji2] I must admit I never did see tom and jerry as violent until the media jumped on the case.


Ther thing is...

if Video games were that bad then we would have millions of nutters roaming the streets. GTA 5 was a top selling game shifting over 3 million copies. So we have 3 million nuttters there, add in COD, Dead Rising, Battlefield etc nad the streets shouldn't be safe.


Why not deal with the fact that a 15 year old was playing an 18 rated game? The parents should be ensuring they do not have access to these. When I worked in a shop the amount of parents buying GTA's Cod's & Hitman type titles all 18 rated for their kids was unelivable. Even when I point out its an 18 they just look at you blankly and don't give a ****.


What would you do it your kid wanted a Hardcore !Removed! film with S&M scenes in them would you let them watch it? Then why let them play viloent 18 rated games?



I kinow its hard to resrict access but a lot of parents don't even bother to find out what the game play entails and just blithly let thier kids paly them.

Personally I dont see an issue with COD type games ect. After all you see all that kind of stuff in any post WWII war film, its the GTA and more extreme games that are more of a concern.


The majority of people who play these games know its make belive and wouldn't act out on any impulses from them.

So why legisate for a minority who if not Video games something else will trigger the physcopathic tendencies.



Just be thankfull we arent allowed to carry guns like the U.S.!


So, when you were at school you never watched a porno? With the way kids have phones now, how many have seen !Removed!?

My 2 kids play black ops 2, they know it's just a laugh. When it's nice weather they are out in the garden playing cop's and robbers.

I think it's a mental problem, he might have had an urge to stab someone since he was a toddler and had been playing games to try to suppress his desires?


I 2nd that it's a mental illness more than anything. But I do see Petes view my kids have played gta but all they do is just dtive around nicking cars. Ive not let them have the new gta. Because I've not seen it myself yet what it has in it. But know my lads been to a friends who is younger than him who has it so it is hard if you want to keep them away from it. But I like to think they would know better than to replicate them games. I know they do play with the toy guns killing zombies.

Im pretty sure he must have shown some signes of being a freak at school and at home. I dont mind judging him lol.


you have all pretty much summed up my thoughts and approach to kids and gaming - my lad (14) has games older than him - no 18's though but they are assessed by me as to the content so language is fine (we have had boundarys / rules for that since he was 6) and if it will scare the bejeeezus out of him, I want him to enjoy the games not be terrified of them. Also it is strictly enforced that his younger sister is not in room when he plays them. He also likes a lot of metal music plus other stuff.


mind you the one game that did set him off into this alternate personality was Tekken 5- great shame as the reason he was playing it was because I thought it was a great game - we had it back off him it went in the cupboard and has not been out for about 5 years - he just kept getting that angry playing it we had to take ages calming him down - I also pointed out that was what he needed to tap into when sparring in karate and kickboxing... but he never does...go figure??  :rolleyes: 

  On 4/30/2014 at 12:39 PM, BoozyDave said:

So, when you were at school you never watched a porno? With the way kids have phones now, how many have seen !Removed!?

My 2 kids play black ops 2, they know it's just a laugh. When it's nice weather they are out in the garden playing cop's and robbers.

I think it's a mental problem, he might have had an urge to stab someone since he was a toddler and had been playing games to try to suppress his desires?

The porno remark was meant to illustrate the fact that as a parent, there are something you would not let your kids see, as it's not meant for them, so why let them see violence in games like GTA which are judged suitable for over 18's


I used to get dead mad with games when I was young too I've lost count how many games pads I have broken or joysticks :) 

But like you Jay if my lad starts to get mad like that I will warn him 1st then kick him off it for the day. I had to take him to the hospital not that long ago was crying because he couldn't get his breath because he had an anxiety attack after getting that mad online because he was getting killed. 

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