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Subaru timing belt

Rick 2014

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depends on your spanner twirling skills - many members on the forum sort them no problem others have issues lining up the timing marks

My spanner skils are great just never done a Subaru belt 

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If you have done them before I would say you won't have a problem, for me being a complete idiot and not trusting myself I get others to do it for me :D But I could maybe do it if I tried but would feel safer having someone who has done it watching me f@ck it up :D

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Not bad to do, does help to use a mirror so you're looking square on at the marks. I know a guy who uses a paint pen and marks a tooth on each pulley and on the belt. Then transfer marks onto new belt. Can't really go wrong with that method :)

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Best done then really with full quality kit such as blueprint or ICP kits as use a OEM top quality parts, I would do water pump too at that mileage & probably crank seal best done too.

My pointers on fitting is in link below, hard to go wrong as long as you have some basic experience & far more room & easy procedure than say a Pug 206 HDI so don't be put off with the boxer syndrome as they easy layout for a lot of jobs & designed well for repair aspects.


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If you decide to do it yourself the important rule is to ALWAYS turn the engine over by hand for several revolutions before attempting to use the starter. That way you wont bend or break anything if you get the timing wrong. Never go straight for the starter as it will take no prisoners and you could be looking at an expensive rebuild.

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